Recipe for Sausages of black pudding with pear

Learn how to prepare quick and easy elegant appetizers with this recipe for blood sausage bags with pears, pine nuts and rum raisins. The result will surprise you, not only because of the delicate flavor, but also because of the original and gourmet presentation of this dish, ideal for a special gathering such as Christmas or special gatherings.

We will make the bags of black pudding with pear with wafers for empanadillas, but you can make them with filo pastry or with puff pastry. In any case, we will bake them to make them as healthy as possible, you will love them!

Ingredients to make black pudding bags with pear:

  • 30 grams of pine nuts
  • 30 grams of Raisins
  • 16 Wafers for dumplings
  • 2 conference pears
  • 1 black pudding
  • 1 glass of rum
  • 1 egg

How to make blood sausage bags with pear:

To make these wonderful black pudding dumplings, the first thing we have to do is gather all the ingredients. The wafers for empanadillas can be puff pastry or filo dough, this is to taste. To soften the raisins and give them flavor, place them in a bowl with the rum and let marinate for half an hour. Brown the pine nuts in a hot frying pan and set aside. Next,  lightly cook the blood sausage. To do this, we crumble or undo it and pass all this filling through the hot pan where we toast the pine nuts. It will be enough to cook for a few minutes. After this time, add the pears and stir well so that it is distributed throughout the pan. Another very popular recipe is the black pudding and apple empanadillas, so if you want, you can also add a little of this fruit.

When the pear begins to release its juices, we add the rest of the ingredients. First the pine nuts and then the raisins along with the rum in which they have been macerating. Remove and keep cooking until reduced. Once the filling is done, we proceed to assemble the blood sausage bags. To do this, we spread out the wafers and put a sufficient amount of filling on each piece of dough.

We close by making a bag, as seen in the photo and paint with beaten egg. Then, we place them all on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If you prefer to make dumplings, just close the wafers in the shape of a crescent, as in the recipe for spinach and cheese dumplings. Place the tray with the blood sausage and pine nut bags in the oven, already preheated to 180ºC, and bake for 10 minutes or until we see that the dough is golden and seems crispy.

And just like that, we will have a good appetizer ready for an evening in good company.  Bon profit! On aegin! Good luck! Bon Appetite!

The blood sausage with pear bags are a delight, a super elegant appetizer that you can serve at a special or family dinner, so don’t hesitate to try them and tell us how it went with this wonderful step-by-step recipe.

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