Recipe for puff pastry bags stuffed with cheese

At this article, we never stop wanting to surprise you, so this time we bring you a delicious salty puff pastry recipe, ideal to serve at parties or meals with friends. These are puff pastry bags filled with cheese, a perfect appetizer to accompany with a good white wine.

Puff pastry is a dough made from the same amount of wheat flour and butter, with which different products can be made, both savory and sweet, and various fillings. Keep reading and discover how to make puff pastry bags filled with cheese.

Ingredients to make puff pastry bags stuffed with cheese:

  • 1 sheet of puff pastry
  • 1 egg
  • 100 grams of mozzarella cheese
  • 100 grams of Dutch cheese

How to make puff pastry bags filled with cheese:

Before you start preparing the easy appetizer, you must get all the ingredients ready. You can buy the sheet of puff pastry already made, or make it yourself following the instructions of the puff pastry recipe. On a clean work table add a little wheat flour and with the help of a rolling pin stretch the puff pastry as much as you can. With the help of a mold with the shape you want, cut the puff pastry.

Grate and mix the two cheeses that we are going to use to fill the salty puff pastry. Then, add a little of the cheese mixture as shown in the photograph. With your fingertips and a little water, wet the edges of each puff pastry shell. Place another puff pastry cover on top of the filling and with the help of a fork close the puff pastry bags so that when they are baked they do not open. Place the bags in a heat resistant refractory with a little butter,  beat the egg as if you were going to make an omelet and with the help of a kitchen brush spread each of the puff pastry bags to give a touch of shine. Preheat the oven to 200ºC and, when hot, bake the empanadas for approximately 20 minutes, or until you notice that the puff pastry is well cooked. Serve the puff pastry bags stuffed with cheese. You can consume them hot or cold, either way they are delicious! They are ideal to accompany with basil sauce or romance sauce, since they combine very well with this preparation.

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