Recipe for Onion Soup with Chicken Broth

Do not miss this delicious onion soup with chicken broth so easy to make because you only need 4 main ingredients and 30 minutes of time to prepare it. You dare? Well, keep reading this step by step that we teach you of this shared recipe and you will learn how to prepare a delicious and very typical French onion soup with chicken broth.

Ingredients to make onion soup with chicken broth:

  1. 500 grams of onion
  2. 1 liter chicken, poultry or beef broth
  3. Grated cheese
  4. sliced ​​bread
  5. Salt
  6. Olive oil
  7. ground black pepper

How to make Onion Soup with Chicken Broth:

  • Putting the oil to heat while we peel and cut the onion is the first step to prepare this onion soup with chicken broth.
  • Once the oil is hot, add the onion and season to taste. Let cook over low heat and cover, and stir from time to time.
  • After 20 minutes, if we see that the onion has shrunk and is transparent, we will add the chicken broth and leave it cooking for about 10 more minutes over medium heat. While we toast the bread.
  • Once the time has passed, we will not put the onion soup on the plate. With dishes suitable for the oven, we will put the amount of soup that we want, the bread and the grated cheese to our liking.
  • And we put the onion soup with chicken broth for the oven to gratin. And ready!
  • To eat! If you like the taste of black pepper you can put it to your liking before serving. Take advantage!

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