Recipe for Mini Pizzas in a Skillet

The mini pan pizzas that we shares with you are a quick and very easy recipe to prepare that will surprise you. These are simple vegan pizzas, made only with tomato sauce, which you can adjust to your liking with the extras you like best.

Ingredients to make Mini Pizzas in a pan:

  1. 15 tablespoons of flour
  2. 24 tablespoons of Water
  3. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  4. 1 teaspoon salt
  5. 1 jet of Oil to fry
  6. 1 bottle of tomato sauce
  7. optional seasonings
  8. 1 pinch of oregano
  9. 1 pinch of Garlic

How to make Mini Pan Pizzas:

  • The first step to make the famous mini pan pizzas will be to mix the dry ingredients very well and add the water. Knead until we have soft dough. Roll out the dough and use a cup, or container of the size that we like the most, to cut the dough.
  • If you want to give the boat sauce an extra touch, you can season it with a little oregano or garlic. Although if you have time, you can make your own homemade sauce
  • To continue cooking, once our dough is ready, cook it back and forth in the hot pan. Before removing it from the heat, when it is almost ready, paint it with the willow and add the extras you want. Wait a couple of minutes and withdraw.
  • Trick: Remember that you can add the extras you want to the mini pizzas, in this case Ciel has prepared them in a simple and fast way, only with sauce, but you can include cheese, pepperoni, anchovies, tuna or any other ingredient that is of your choice. Prefer

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