Recipe for lettuce salad with sweet and sour vinaigrette

This sweet and sour vinaigrette gives a different touch to any salad. In addition, it is very quick and easy to make, so there are no excuses not to try it. Likewise, I suggest combining it with a very simple and delicious lettuce salad, perfect for any occasion. Do you dare to cook with me? Keep reading and discover how to make a lettuce salad with sweet and sour vinaigrette!

Ingredients to make Lettuce Salad with Sweet and Sour Vinaigrette:

  • Lettuce
  • 24 grams of shelled pistachios and pips
  • 20 grams of Brie cheese
  • olive oil pearls
  • 1 pinch of salt

For the vinaigrette:

  • 2 tablespoons of tomato jam
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of Vinegar

How to make Lettuce Salad with Sweet and Sour Vinaigrette:

To start preparing the salad with sweet and sour vinaigrette, wash the lettuce well, drain it and cut to taste. Then, we place the lettuce pieces in a bowl or salad bowl and add salt.

Apart, we chop the nuts, or chop them lightly in a mortar, and drop them on the lettuce.  Likewise, we cut the cheese into cubes, or as we like, and we also place it on the lettuce salad.

Now, we prepare the sweet and sour vinaigrette for the lettuce salad. To do this, mix the oil with the tomato jam and the vinegar in a bowl. We try and decide if it is necessary to incorporate a little more of an ingredient, since we can modify the amounts according to our tastes. Although I have used tomato jam, if you prefer you can use another that you like. Of course, do not forget to leave your comment with the suggestion.

At this point we only have to dress the lettuce salad with the sweet and sour vinaigrette  and decorate it with the pearls of oil on top, which can be obtained in practically any supermarket. As you can see, it is a sweet and sour salad that is very quick to prepare and with an extraordinary contrast of flavors, perfect to enjoy as a main dish.

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