Recipe for homemade peanut butter without sugar

Peanut butter is one of those foods that is always associated with junk fast food, which is fattening and bad for your health. The commercial one, processed and full of sugar perhaps, but made at home things change. Besides the satisfaction of making something yourself and saving on packaging, it almost seems like another recipe. The taste is even better (for me of course), it is super simple to prepare and it has nothing but peanuts. Of course you have to take it in moderation, but if we do it this way we will obtain all the benefits of nuts, with an incredible taste and texture and without any of the harmful aspects of commercial butter. Come on, in short: you have to try it! So keep reading and learn with me how to make homemade peanut butter without sugar.

Ingredients to make homemade peanut butter without sugar:

• 3 cups of unsalted peanuts (roasted or not)

• 1 teaspoon of salt (optional)

How to make Homemade Sugar Free Peanut Butter:

If the peanuts are not roasted, like mine, we put them on a baking tray and roast them for about 10 minutes (depending on the temperature you set), stirring from time to time so that they all bake equally. When they are a golden color to our liking and give off that characteristic delicious smell, we take them out of the oven and let them cool in a bowl.

When they have cooled down, we put them in a food processor to continue with the preparation of the homemade peanut butter. This recipe is very easy but you have to have a little patience. When we turn on the processor, the peanuts will go through several phases. First they will be crushed and it will seem that we are going to obtain a kind of coarse flour. Do not worry. We have to wait. Little by little they will release the oil and become more humid. It will form a paste that will become more fluid over time. We will wait until we get the consistency that we like.

When we begin to see that the consistency is close to the desired one, the one we like, we add the salt and continue beating the peanut butter.

And that’s it! When we reach the consistency that we like, we stop the processor and transfer the butter to a jar. We will wait for it to cool well to completely close the jar. And now we can enjoy this delicious homemade peanut butter without sugar and in a healthy and vegan-friendly way. Cheaper, more sustainable and more delicious. You cannot ask for more! We can use it for breakfast or to prepare delicious desserts, such as a lemon sponge cake filled with this butter.

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