Recipe for homemade butter with cream

In this article, you will learn how to make homemade butter with whipping cream in an easy way and with only 1 ingredient (salt and aromatic herbs are optional). How? Well very easy! Follow this recipe for homemade butter with cream and you will see how easy it is to make butter at home. A piece of advice: take it out of the fridge about 30 minutes before consuming it if you want it to be very creamy.

Ingredients to make homemade butter with cream:

• 1 liter of whipping cream or milk cream for desserts (35% minimum fat content)

• 1 pinch of salt to taste (optional)

• 1 handful of aromatic herbs (optional)

How to make homemade butter with cream:

Place the whipping cream in a bowl or deep container or in the blender glass and start beating it with some electric rods starting at low speed.

Tip: Keep the whipping cream in the fridge so that it is very cold when you start making your homemade butter.

After about 5 minutes or so you will see that the cream begins to mount. It is then time to raise the speed of the blender or blender to the maximum.

Tip: Make sure you buy whipping cream and not liquid cooking cream as they have different nutritional composition.

Once it is whipped, continue beating it, then the cream will change its texture and it will seem that it is beginning to cut, that is, it will form as yellowish solid pieces on one side and on the other, and a whitish liquid will appear that is the whey of the milk. At this point keep beating at low speed (so you don’t get splashed) until the whey is completely separated from the homemade butter, which takes between 4 and 10 minutes depending on the temperature of the cream.

Tip: If you want to add a little salt or aromatic herbs to your homemade butter recipe, this is the moment because it is soft and malleable.

To separate the buttermilk from the butter itself there are several options:

1. You can take the butter, roll it into a ball, wrap it in a clean gauze or cloth and drain it well, squeezing as much as you can so that it releases all the remaining liquid.

2. You can drain the whey from the container or glass of the blender leaving only the butter, add very cold water, beat 2 or 3 times, discard that water and add more again, and repeat this process until the water comes out transparent instead of whitish.

3. You can take the butter, roll it into a ball, place it in a container with water and ice, and “wash” it by squeezing it with your hands so that it releases all the serum that may have remained and repeat the process, changing the water until it is not whitish but transparent.

Once the butter is well separated from the whey, you just have to dry it well with absorbent paper to remove all possible moisture, store it in an airtight container or jar with the desired shape (or wrap it well in plastic wrap) and put the homemade butter with cream in the fridge or refrigerator so that it is well preserved.

Tip: With 1 liter of whipping cream you will get between 350 and 400 grams of homemade butter.

How long does homemade butter last?

Well, if you keep it at a temperature between 0 and 8 ºC (in the fridge/refrigerator) and you have put salt on it (a natural preservative) it can be perfectly preserved for several weeks. On the other hand, if you leave them at room temperature, in about 10 days they will begin to lose their creamy texture and become rancid, as the enzymes naturally present in the milk begin to digest the fats in the homemade butter.

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