Recipe for golden potato tacos with tomato sauce

In this season of celebrating Easter there is a wide variety of dishes that we can try, respecting the tradition of not consuming red meat, that’s why we present one of our favorites.

We are talking about some delicious Mexican golden tacos, but not just any golden taco, but one filled with a rich mashed potato and we will also accompany them with a rich tomato sauce for golden potato tacos. What do you think? Sounds great right?

We invite you to continue with us so that we can teach you step by step how to make golden potato tacos with tomato sauce. You will be surprised so you can’t miss it!

Ingredients to make Golden Potato Tacos with Tomato Sauce:

For the golden potato taco:

  • ½ kilogram of potato
  • 1 kilogram of hot corn tortilla
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ½ piece of white onion

For the tomato sauce:

  • 1 kilogram of small green tomato
  • 3 pieces of green Chile Serrano
  • ½ piece of white onion 

How to make Golden Potato Tacos with Tomato Sauce:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious golden potato tacos with tomato sauce, do not miss a detail. On the one hand we are going to cook the potato over high heat, this until the potato feels very soft.

On the other hand, we take the perfectly clean green tomato together with the green Serrano peppers, a piece of onion and a clove of garlic and, like the potato, we put them in boiling water to cook over high heat, and when we observe that the tomato has changed color will be ready. Once the ingredients for our tomato sauce for golden tacos are ready, we place them in the blender along with a pinch of salt, a pinch of powdered chicken consommé and proceed to mix until obtaining a homogeneous sauce.

We place this green sauce in a saucepan with a little hot oil and let it fry for 6 minutes over medium heat and set aside a moment, letting it cool down. On the other hand, once the potato is cooked, we remove the skin, place it in a bowl and begin to mash it until it has the consistency of puree. To this mashed potato we add a little chopped onion, a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper and ready, we mix very well so that our puree is perfectly seasoned.

Now we take our corn tortillas and add a little mashed potato to one of their ends, and we form our Mexican tacos by rolling the tortilla, as we see in the following image. Once our tacos are formed, we take them to fry in a pan with very hot oil. Let them fry until golden brown and once ready, remove the Mexican golden tacos from the oil and place them on absorbent paper to remove any excess oil they may contain.

AND READY! We serve the golden potato tacos with tomato sauce that we prepare bathed and accompany them with a little sour cream, grated cheese and sliced ​​lettuce.

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