Recipe for fruit salad with milk cream and condensed milk

Fruit salads are excellent dish options as they are light, healthy, convenient to prepare, and delicious. Fruit salads are characterized by being sweet and can be seasoned with a vinaigrette that gives them an acid touch or with some sweet cream, so this time we will teach you how to make fruit salad with cream, because it is delicious as a dessert after a delicious meal, and also the little ones at home will love it.

Stay with us and together, step by step, let’s prepare this delicious fruit salad with cream and condensed milk, you’ll see that it will surprise you with its delicious flavor.

Ingredients to make Fruit Salad with cream and condensed milk:

  • 2 pieces of Tabasco Banana
  • 2 pieces of green apple
  • 2 pieces of sweet pear
  • 1 piece of Orange
  • 2 cups of milk cream (400 milliliters)
  • 1 cup of condensed milk (240 grams)

How to make Fruit Salad with Cream and Condensed Milk:

Before starting to make the fruit salad with cream and milk, we have to gather the necessary ingredients. We are going to start our preparation by mixing the cream together with the condensed milk. This mixture will have the function of dressing our fruit salad.

Now we take the apples and pears and without removing the skins we chop them into small cubes of approximately 1 cm on each side. Add the chopped pear and apple to our cream and milk mixture and stir, taking care that all the fruit is covered by the sweet cream.

On the other hand, chop the Tabasco banana into half-moons and immediately add it to the cream along with the other fruits. We add it last so that when it is incorporated it does not beat too much, since it is a very soft fruit. At the end, we add some orange slices on our fruit salad with milk cream and condensed milk and it will be ready to be tasted. You can also add a touch of ground cinnamon, which will give it a better flavor.

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