Recipe for fried beef tacos

Do you have a craving for something easy and fast but no less delicious for that? Well, we have the perfect recipe for you and for that craving that torments you so much. How about some delicious golden beef tacos? Yes, you heard that right! On this occasion we will prepare some delicious Mexican tacos, some exquisite shredded and stewed beef tacos very Mexican.

We invite you to join us in this super practical and irresistible preparation, you will see that everyone at home will fight to have just one more taco on their plate, and you will be the sensation. So you can’t miss it, stay with us and discover how to prepare those fantastic  golden beef tacos, they are finger licking good!

Ingredients to make Golden Beef Tacos:

  • 16 pieces of corn tortilla
  • ½ kilogram of beef brisket
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 2 pieces of red tomato
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • ½ cup of oil

How to make Golden Beef Tacos:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these wonderful golden beef tacos. We are going to start by cooking the beef, for this in a saucepan with enough water we place the pieces of meat, along with a piece of onion and a clove of garlic, we also add a pinch of salt, let it cook over high heat for approximately 25 minutes. Once the meat is ready, we remove it from the hot water, let it cool down a bit and begin to shred it, once it is shredded we add a pinch of salt and pepper. Reserve the meat for a moment.

On the other hand, we take the onion and the red tomato and finely chop them into small cubes, and once they are ready, we fry them with a little oil in a previously heated frying pan. Once the onion turns transparent, add the shredded meat and let it cook together with the onion and red tomato over medium heat for approximately 6 minutes. Once the shredded beef stew is ready, we take a little and place it in the center of the corn tortilla and we roll it up to form our golden taco.

Once all our meat tacos are formed, we place them in a frying pan with enough hot oil and let them fry until they are golden and crispy. Once crispy, remove them from the pan and place the browned beef tacos on absorbent paper to remove any excess fat they may have. And it’s ready! Our plate. That easy! Now we can enjoy it with a little lettuce, sour cream and cheese.

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