Recipe for easy tapas with sobrassada

Sobrassada is a typical sausage from Mallorca. When there was no refrigeration system, the pig was slaughtered once or twice a year and part of the meat, macerated with spices, was converted into sobrassada, which could thus be preserved for months and months without problems. Sobrassada today is a delicacy that can be combined with various ingredients to make this fun dish of easy tapas with sobrasada. There are hot and cold, salty and sweet… Which one do you prefer?

Ingredients to make easy tapas with sobrasada:

  • 6 pieces of sobrassada
  • 6 slices of bread
  • 1 slice of Mahon cheese
  • 1 jet of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 unit of hanging tomato
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey

How to make easy tapas with sobrasada:

1.Here we have the ingredients for these sobrassada canapés. The most important thing is that the sobrasada is of quality. In this case, we have an excellent handcrafted piece from Mallorca. It involves preparing six different toasts with sobrasada: one with raw sobrasada, another with hot sobrasada, another with bread with tomato, a fourth with melted Mahon cheese, the fifth hot with sugar and the last one, a true delicacy, hot with honey.

2.For bread, the ideal would be to have brown bread, a typical whole meal bread from Mallorca, but it is very difficult to find outside the island -and if someone has found it in Barcelona, ​​please leave a comment!-. An alternative would be a whole wheat German bread, but you can also opt for a good artisan bread that you like. In this case we have chosen the crystal bread, here we have the six slices prepared, open.

Tip: Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, because we are going to bake some toast.

3.The first canapé is prepared with raw sobrassada. Cut a generous piece of sobrasado and spread it well on the bread. The second slice will be sobrasada on bread with tomato. We prepare the bread with tomato (or “pa amb oli”) in the traditional Majorcan way: first we rub the tomato, then we add the salt and finally the oil. On top we spread a generous piece of sobrassada.

4.Now we go with the hot sobrassada canapés, which we are going to bake. We will toast the three slices of bread in the toaster. For the first, we will spread raw sobrassada, in the oven it will heat up and it will be delicious. In the second, in addition to the sobrassada we will put a spoonful of sugar on top. The third is Mahoney, a cheese from Menorca reserved for the most demanding mouths; we will spread a good piece of mayonnaise on the sobrasada, which will melt in the oven.

5.About five minutes in the oven will be enough for our hot sobrasada canapés to be ready: one with just hot sobrasada, another with hot sobrasada and sugar, and the third with hot sobrasada and melted Mahon cheese on top.

6.The last tapa of sobrasada is combined with honey and is also hot. In a frying pan, heat a piece of sobrassada and when it has already taken on color, add a tablespoon of honey.

7.Stir and let it cook for a few minutes, the sobrassada and the honey will form a kind of delicious jam.

8.Spread the sobrassada jam and hot honey on the last slice of bread, which we will have previously toasted in the toaster.

9.We can now place the six easy tapas with sobrasada on a plate and serve them. Start savoring the cold ones and then move on to the hot ones, leaving the sweet ones for last.


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