Recipe for Dried Shrimp Broth with Vegetables

Shrimp broth is one of the traditional dishes of the coasts in Mexico, since its ingredients in these places are much more accessible. But if we talk about the central regions we have a variant to prepare the shrimp broth, instead of using fresh shrimp we use dried shrimp, which gives a touch of consistency to the broth without losing that delicious flavor that characterizes it so much.. Likewise, we get it at a much more accessible price, a fact that makes it an even better dish.

For all of the above we bring you this delicious recipe for dried shrimp broth with vegetables, from the central regions of this beautiful country. It is a very simple, practical and very rich recipe, with which you will pamper your palate. So we invite you to continue with us to prepare this delicious dried shrimp stew together, you will see that you will not regret it and you will want to repeat it again and again.

Ingredients to make dried shrimp broth with vegetables:

  1. 125 grams of dried shrimp
  2. 6 pieces of guerilla chili
  3. ½ kilogram of red tomato
  4. 2 cloves of garlic
  5. 2 tablespoons of oil
  6. 3 pieces of Carrot
  7. 3 potatoes
  8. 1 pinch of salt
  9. 1 pinch of pepper

How to make dried shrimp broth with vegetables:

  • In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare this delicious dried shrimp broth.
  • We are going to start our preparation by cooking the red tomatoes. To do this, place them in a saucepan with enough boiling water and let them cook for approximately 6 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, we take half of the dried shrimp and completely pulverize them in the blender. Once ready, we reserve them for a moment.
  • On the other hand, to continue with the preparation of the Mexican shrimp broth, we take the guerilla peppers, clean them completely, removing the seeds and veins, and cut them into small pieces, as can be seen in the following image.
  • Once the red tomatoes are ready, we place them in the blender along with the chopped guerilla chili and the garlic. Then, we proceed to blend until we obtain a homogeneous sauce.
  • Now we take the previous sauce and pour it over a saucepan with hot oil. Let it cool for 10 minutes.
  • While the red sauce is cooking, we take the carrot and the potato and peel them perfectly. Then, we cut the potato into small cubes while we slice the carrot, and reserve them for a moment.
  • Once the 10 minutes of the sauce have passed, we add the dried and ground shrimp, the potato, the carrot, a pinch of salt and a little more water to make it soupier. Let the Mexican shrimp broth cook for 1 hour over low heat.
  • After this time, our rich dry shrimp broth with vegetables will be ready, so serve it hot accompanied by some delicious toasted bread croutons or croutons. Likewise, you can also make a corn salad or any other that you like.

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