Recipe for Depurative Broth with Celery

If you drink 2 cups a day of this purifying broth with celery recipe, one before lunch and another before dinner, you will help your body purify itself, eliminate toxins and even lose weight a little if you regulate and balance better your diet The truth is that it tastes quite good and it is not bland at all due to the flavor of all the vegetables and the lemon juice that it contains, so it will not take you any effort to drink it.

Ingredients to make purifying broth with celery:

  1. 3 liters of water
  2. 350 grams of artichoke
  3. 170 grams of celery
  4. 75 milliliters of lemon juice
  5. 145 grams of carrot
  6. Salt
  7. Black pepper

How to make Cleansing Broth with Celery:

  • Get the ingredients ready to start the celery broth for weight loss.
  • Add all the ingredients (except the lemon) in a pot with the 3 liters of water and once it starts to boil, let them boil for about 25 minutes.
  • Let the depurative broth or diuretic soup stand until it is cold and add the lemon juice.
  • Strain the vegetables and reserve for puree.
  • You can prepare this baby vegetable puree recipe for example.
  • I had almost a liter and a half of purifying broth with celery left. Drink two cups a day before each main meal (one before lunch and one before dinner) for three to four weeks. It helps eliminate toxins and lose weight. Don’t forget to also try this other purifying vegetable broth.

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