Recipe for Chicken Fajitas with Chili, Tomato and Onion

Do you feel like eating a traditional Mexican dish? Well, try these chicken fajitas with chili, tomato and onion that Yera has shared with us and enjoy a traditional and spicy Mexican dish thanks to the chili or ground chili that you can add to taste.

Ingredients to make Chicken Fajitas with chili, tomato and onion:

• 1 chicken breast

• 1 red bell pepper

• 1 onion

• Beans

• 0.5 peeled tomato

• Wheat tortillas

• Cumin

• Cilantro

• Chili or ground chili

• Garlic

How to make Chili Tomato Onion Chicken Fajitas:

Chop the vegetables into strips and fry, then add the chicken cut into strips as well. When the chicken is golden brown, season with the spices and chili or ground chili to taste, add the peeled tomato, and let it cook and reduce the sauce. Lastly, add the cooked beans and stir everything.

Tip: You can use finely chopped whole chili or chili pepper instead of ground.

Fill the wheat tortillas with the mixture and accompany with guacamole or Mexican sauce. Serve the chicken fajitas with freshly made chili, tomato and onion.

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