Recipe for Chalupas Poblanas from Analco

In Mexico we have a wide variety of dishes called Mexican snacks, these constitute an important part of the national cuisine that includes mostly ingredients such as corn, beans, potatoes, nopal, avocado, red and green tomato, onion, etc.; proteins such as chicken, beef, pork, longaniza, chorizo, etc., all these dishes always seasoned with some kind of chili sauce from among all the varieties that exist.

All these snacks are super delicious and I can assure you of that! That is why we have decided to bring you today a dish that is within this food group (Mexican snacks), it is a delicious Mexican recipe. They are exquisite poblano chalupas from Analco, which if you continue with us you will be able to know their preparation. You cannot miss them, you will see that you will love them.

Ingredients to make Chalupas Poblanas from Analco:

  • 20 pieces of corn tortillas for chalupas (small tortilla)
  • 2 cups of Shredded Chicken
  • 2 cups of mashed potatoes
  • 5 pieces of red tomato
  • 6 pieces of green tomato
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 pieces of Serrano chili
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder

How to make Chalupas Poblanas from Analco:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will need to prepare these delicious poblano chalupas from Analco. For these chalupas from Puebla we have to prepare two sauces, one green and one red. We are going to start with the red sauce: we wash the red tomatoes perfectly well, and two Serrano peppers and put them to cook in a saucepan with boiling water, along with a clove of garlic and half the onion. Let everything cook for 6 minutes on high heat.

Once this time has elapsed, we remove it from the heat and place these ingredients in the blender together with a teaspoon of powdered chicken consommé and a pinch of salt. Then we proceed to blend until a homogeneous sauce is observed. Once blended, pour it into a saucepan with previously heated oil and let it fry for 5 minutes over medium heat, adding a pinch of pepper. After this time our red sauce will be ready. We reserve a moment.

Now we go on to prepare our green sauce: for this we wash the green tomatoes perfectly and once they are ready, we place them in the saucepan with boiling water together with the remaining Serrano peppers, a clove of garlic and the remaining piece of onion. Let everything cook for 6 minutes over high heat.

Once the tomatoes are cooked, remove everything from the heat and place the ingredients in the blender, along with a teaspoon of powdered chicken consommé, and proceed to blend until a smooth sauce is obtained.

Now let’s pour that sauce into a saucepan with previously heated oil and let it fry for 5 more minutes over medium heat, and also add a pinch of pepper. After this time our green sauce will be ready. We reserve a moment.

Now on the other hand we take the small corn tortillas, impregnate them with a little oil on each of their faces and place them on the griddle or in the Comal to fry slightly. Now to each one of them on one of the faces we add a little mashed potato and also a little shredded chicken, as we can see in the following image. Finally, we bathe half of the poblano chalupas with green sauce and the other half with red sauce.

Serve the Analco poblano chalupas hot with a little lettuce and cheese to accompany. Bon Appetite!

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