Ravioli recipe with cheese béchamel sauce and bacon

Ingredients to make Ravioli with béchamel cheese sauce and bacon:

  • 200 ravioli (or any other stuffed pasta or not)
  • 200 gr. sliced ​​smoked bacon
  • 300 gr. quart cheese
  • 50 gr. grated Parmesan cheese
  • 5 goats
  • 1 envelope of white sauce
  • 1/2 liter milk
  • milk cream
  • salted
  • pepper to taste

How to make Ravioli with bacon and cheese béchamel sauce:

  1. Prepare the béchamel sauce as it says on the package (it can be made at home) and when it is brought to the heat add the heavy cream and the finely chopped quarterly cheese,
  2. cook until the sauce is ready, after it has come to a boil for approximately 3 minutes.
  3. Pepper the willow.
  4. Boil the pasta in water and salt and put it in a roasting pan.
  5. Pour the sauce on top and add the finely chopped bacon on top and the grated cheese, gratin in the oven and to serve, chop the chives and peril and sprinkle it.
  6. Serve very hot.
  7. You can replace the bacon with a lean ham to avoid any extra calories.

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