Ratatouille Recipe with Cheese

We are sure that all of you have seen the famous movie Ratatouille and you know the famous dish that Remy served to Ego. Well, that is the original dish and that is why he acquired this name, originally from Nice. Formerly it was considered as a food for low-income people, since to make it, vegetable remains that were left over from different preparations were collected. In this case we are going to prepare a traditional ratatouille with cheese. The main ingredients are: eggplant, zucchini or courgettes, tomato and mozzarella cheese.

Do you want to know how to prepare ratatouille? In this article we want to teach you how to prepare this delicious dish from your home. Follow these steps and make a traditional cheese ratatouille to share with friends or family!

Ingredients to make Ratatouille with cheese:

  1.  1 medium eggplant
  2.  1 medium zucchini or courgette
  3.  4 medium tomatoes
  4.  1 tablespoon of tomato paste
  5.  1 pinch of dried oregano
  6.  1 tablespoon garlic paste
  7.  1 medium white onion
  8.  1 sprig of basil
  9.  2 tablespoons of olive oil
  10.  ½ mozzarella

How to make Ratatouille with Cheese:

  • To start with the easy recipe for ratatouille with cheese, first wash the vegetables very well with plenty of water. In a separate bowl, grate the mozzarella cheese and reserve.
  • Make an X-shaped cut in the bottom of two tomatoes.
  • Place them 10 seconds in a pot with boiling water
  • Remove the skin of the tomatoes, cut them and remove the seeds.
  • Take them to a blender and crush them. Booking.
  • Cut the onion into small squares and reserve.
  • In a deep frying pan, add a splash of olive oil and sweat the white onion. After about 2-4 minutes, add the garlic paste and tomato paste.
  • Tip: don’t forget to add a pinch of salt.
  • Add the blended tomatoes and the bay leaf, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.
  • Trick: add a pinch of dried oregano.
  • While the sauce is cooking, with the help of a knife, cut the zucchini into thin slices and set aside.
  • In the case of the aubergine, cut it in the same way as the zucchini and then add 3 tablespoons of salt. Wait a few minutes and rinse very well with water to remove the salt. This step is important because with the help of salt the bitter taste of the aubergines is eliminated.
  • Cut the tomatoes into slices the same thickness as the eggplant and zucchini.
  • In a round container that resists heat, spread a splash of olive oil. Add the tomato sauce and finely chopped basil leaves.
  • Arrange the vegetable slices interspersed until the circle is finished. Add salt and pepper.
  • Bake at 190ºC for 35 minutes.
  • After 35 minutes, add the grated mozzarella cheese and gratin 6-7 minutes.
  • Ready to eat the ratatouille with mozzarella!

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