Ratatouille dumplings recipe

These dumplings stuffed with ratatouille are a rich vegetable starter. A few days ago I made the ratatouille recipe and, as I always make quite a lot, I like to prepare different recipes with it. Ratatouille is a vegetable dish that is combined with other ingredients as an accompaniment or to prepare an appetizer like the one I propose this time, some delicious homemade baked ratatouille dumplings that are a delight.

Ingredients to make ratatouille dumplings:

• 1 jar of ratatouille

• 1 package of precooked dumpling dough in wafers

• 1 egg

• 1 handful of sesame seeds

How to make ratatouille dumplings:

The first thing will be to prepare the ingredients. If you don’t have ratatouille, you can make these homemade dumplings with other vegetables or buy it already prepared. You can also make it yourself by following this vegetable ratatouille recipe. Beat the egg in a bowl.

We put the empanadilla dough on the counter and put a spoonful of ratatouille in the center of each wafer without reaching the edges. We will paint the edges with the beaten egg with the help of a brush. We will put another empanadilla wafer on top and seal the edges of the empanadillas stuffed with ratatouille with the help of a fork.

We are putting them on a tray lined with parchment paper, we paint them with beaten egg and we distribute some seeds on top of each one. Put the ratatouille dumplings in the oven at 180ºC until golden brown. Once they are golden, we take out the ratatouille dumplings and they will be ready to eat. Very good!

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