Radiatori recipe with poached eggs

Ingredients to make Radiatori with poached eggs:

  • 300 gr of pasta radiatori
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 gr of green pepper
  • 500 gr of crushed natural tomato
  • 150 grams of onion
  • 150 gr of zucchini
  • 70 grams of olive oil
  • salted
  • Pepper

How to make Radiatori with poached eggs:

  • Once the vegetables are clean and cut into homogeneous pieces, put half of them in the glass and program to chop them for 4 seconds at speed 4.
  • Take out and reserve. Do the same with the rest of the vegetables
  • Then put the oil and the vegetables in the glass.
  • Program 15 minutes, varoma, left turn and spoon speed.
  • While we prepare the eggs. Put plastic wrap in the beaker and crack an egg in it, add salt and a little oil.
  • Close the bag making a bow with a bit of the same film.
  • We will repeat this operation as many times as eggs we want to cook.
  • Place the bags in the varoma and reserve.
  • When the scheduled time is up, add the tomato, salt and pepper.
  • Program 20 minutes, varoma, turn to the left and spoon speed and place the varoma container in its position and remove it when the eggs are to everyone’s taste.
  • Cook the pasta according to the manufacturer’s instructions and serve it with ratatouille and a poached egg.

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