Quinoa Recipe with Sautéed Vegetables

Quinoa or quinoa is one of the super foods that is being consumed more and more thanks to the nutrients and the versatility of the recipe. In addition, this preparation is a very good option to take in a Tupperware to school or work, since it can also be enjoyed cold as long as you choose a protein that can be eaten without heating, such as chicken, which once cooked it also works in cold recipes.

Ingredients to make Quinoa with sautéed vegetables:

  1. 1 cup of quinoa
  2. 480 milliliters of water (2 cups)
  3. 4 leaves of fresh lettuce
  4. 200 grams of chicken in Milanese or fajita
  5. 1 carrot
  6. 1 piece of corn kernels
  7. 1 cup of cooked chickpeas
  8. ½ cup cooked whole beans
  9. 80 grams of grated cheese
  10. 50 grams of fried tortilla strips

How to make Quinoa with sautéed vegetables:

  • Are you wondering how to prepare quinoa with vegetables? Well, to start this recipe for quinoa with sautéed vegetables, first rinse the quinoa under a stream of water to clean it well. Next, cook with 480 milliliters of water (two cups of water) for approximately 15 minutes or until the water has been consumed. Then reserve and let cool.
  • In a pan, heat a little oil and cook the chicken, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste. When you’re ready, reserve.
  • Trick: you can use chicken breast in Milanese or in fajitas.
  • Chop the vegetables that are raw and chop the lettuce and carrot into thin strips or grated.
  • Now you can start assembling the quinoa bowl with sautéed vegetables. To do this, first place a base of quinoa and lettuce. Next, add the chickpeas and cooked beans.
  • Add the corn, the cooked chicken, the cheese, the carrot and finish by adding some baked or fried tortilla strips. Now you can enjoy this bowl of quinoa with vegetables and soy!

Quinoa stir fry with vegetables and other ingredients

  • The preparation of quinoa with vegetables is very simple. What do you think if you try adding some more dressing to your liking, and, if you are a spicy lover, you can add macho sauce, it looks great with the rich flavor of quinoa with sautéed vegetables? Another ingredient that you can also substitute is cheese, and in this case you can add panel cheese, goat cheese or double cream cheese. Also, if you like sweet touches in food, you can add apple, blueberries or grapes. Dare to prepare this recipe and combine with the ingredients that you like the most. You can make a preparation of sautéed quinoa with vegetables for each day!

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