Quinoa Nuggets Recipe

The nuggets are characterized by being made from chicken and battered to give a crunchy texture. Without a doubt, it is one of the favorite foods of children, however, it is not one of the healthiest or recommended. To transform them into a product suitable for their correct development, we suggest you replace the meat with a cereal considered a “super food”, quinoa. Likewise, it also represents a fantastic option for all those who follow a vegetarian diet.

In order not to lose the consistency of the traditional nuggets, we will add potato to the recipe, a tuber that, in addition, will provide carbohydrates and vitamin C, above all. For all these reasons, we invite you to stay with us and discover how to make quinoa nuggets, they will surprise you!

Ingredients to make Quinoa Nuggets:

  1. 6 pieces of potatoes
  2. 1½ cups of Quinoa
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 1 clove garlic
  5. 1 pinch of salt
  6. 1 pinch of pepper
  7. 1 teaspoon of oil
  8. 1 piece of onion

How to make Quinoa Nuggets:

  • Before starting to prepare the homemade quinoa nuggets, we prepare all the ingredients that we are going to need.
  • We start the recipe by washing the potatoes, peeling them and cutting them into small pieces. Once this is done, we put a pot to heat with enough water to cook the potatoes when it starts to boil. We cook them over high heat.
  • On the other hand, in a separate saucepan, put water to boil with the piece of onion, the clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and the quinoa. Let it cook over medium heat until we see that the cereal is inflated. At this point, drain it and let it cool.
  • Once the potatoes are cooked, remove them from the heat, place them in a container and mash them until obtaining a mashed potato.
  • To continue with the preparation of the vegetarian nuggets, we mix the mashed potatoes with half of the quinoa. Add to this mixture a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.
  • Now, we take small portions of the previous mixture and we shape the quinoa nuggets, as seen in the photograph.
  • Once the nuggets are formed, we can proceed to batter them. To do this, first pass them through the beaten egg, covering them completely.
  • Next, we cover the nuggets with the rest of the quinoa to give them that crunchy touch that characterizes this food so much.
  • Once ready, place them on a baking tray sprayed with a little oil and bake the quinoa nuggets for 20 minutes at 180 °C. In this way, we make the recipe even healthier, since we avoid frying them in abundant oil.
  • After the previous time, the vegetarian quinoa nuggets will be ready, golden brown and crispy. Let them cool down a bit and serve them so that both adults and children can enjoy this delicious snack

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