Quinoa and Chickpea Tabbouleh Recipe

Eating healthy is getting easier and easier and we want you to learn to cook healthy and in a very short time. For this reason, on this occasion we have prepared a recipe for quinoa with chickpeas that also includes other Mediterranean ingredients such as olives, peppers or fresh herbs. This mix of ingredients makes this salad a very fresh dish for hot months.

This cooked chickpea salad can be made ahead of time and stored in the fridge, so you can take it to work or any outdoor picnic. Dare to prepare this quinoa and chickpea tabbouleh and tell us what you think.

Ingredients to make Quinoa and Chickpea Tabbouleh:

  • 400 grams of cooked chickpeas
  • 100 grams of Quinoa
  • 1 egg
  • 10 pitted black olives
  • ½ yellow bell pepper
  • 1 handful of fresh mint
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley
  • 1 dash of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt

How to make Quinoa and Chickpea Tabbouleh:

  1. We gathered all the ingredients to prepare this quinoa and chickpea tabbouleh.
  2.  In this recipe we have opted for fresh herbs such as parsley and mint, but coriander could also be used.
  3. Since we have used already cooked chickpeas, the first thing we will do is cook the egg and the quinoa separately.
  4. To do this, you should know that the egg has to cook for about 12 minutes so that the yolk is curdled, and quinoa requires an average time of 15 minutes (check the manufacturer’s instructions).
  5. Once cooked, drain and let cool.
  6. Wash and cut the yellow pepper into squares, as seen in the image.
  7. It should be noted that the yellow pepper is rich in vitamin A and C, fiber, potassium, calcium and antioxidants, among others.
  8. That is why it is a perfect food to add to our healthy salads, or to cook in any stew.
  9. In this cooked chickpea salad we have used canned chickpeas, so it is necessary to rinse and drain the chickpeas before using them.
  10. Once drained, place the chickpeas in a salad bowl, along with the yellow pepper and sliced ​​black olives.
  11. It is time to add the quinoa and the boiled egg cut into squares (once they have cooled).
  12. The egg provides the proteins that make this chickpea tabbouleh a very complete dish, but it is not mandatory, so you can suppress it if you have any intolerance.
  13. Dress the quinoa and chickpea tabbouleh with a little salt, apple cider vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and a little fresh mint and chopped parsley.
  14. We stir well and serve.

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