Quince compote recipe

Quince is a fruit that is not usually eaten raw, as it is usually very strong and not pleasant to the palate due to its roughness, but if it is eaten cooked it can be a very interesting fruit to benefit from all its properties. A well-known way of consuming quinces is in compote. For this reason, from this article we offer you this rich and easy compote with the best tricks to make it perfect for you. And although it is normally consumed as a dessert, it is also ideal to accompany meat, as it makes a very rich and interesting contrast.

Are you wondering how to make quince compote? Well, if you want to know how to make this simple recipe, keep reading. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Quince Compote:

  • 1 lemon
  • 4 quinces
  • 125 grams of sugar
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 star anise (optional)

How to make Quince Compote:

  1. To start with the quince compote recipe, first prepare a large bowl with water and squeeze the lemon and add the juice to the water.
  2. Wash the quinces well, especially to remove that uncomfortable fluff they have. Also, you need to peel one of the quinces and cut it into quarters.
  3.  Remove the hard parts and cut into small cubes.
  4. As you will see, the quince pieces oxidize quickly, so you will have to put the quince cubes in the water with the lemon juice.
  5.  Peel and chop the other quinces, always one by one so that they do not oxidize excessively, add them back into the lemon water.
  6. Once you have all the quinces peeled, chopped and in the water, drain well and transfer to a saucepan or afast cooker.
  7. Next you must add the sugar and water with the two glasses of water.
  8.  Also add the cinnamon stick and if you want to give it an anise flavor, also introduce a star anise, although it is optional.
  9.  Put on the fire and bring to a boil.
  10. Stir from time to time trying to move the quince compote and making sure it doesn’t dry out excessively. If so, add a little more water.
  11. Cook over low heat for about 35 minutes or until the quince cubes are tender.
  12. Tip: if you like a thicker broth to remain, collect the quince seeds, put them inside a tied cheesecloth, cook while the compote will help to release pectin and give the syrup a bit of body.
  13. Let the quince compote cool down and once cold, transfer to a glass container. You can store it in the fridge for a week, it must be well covered. Ready to eat!

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