Quick Chickpeas with Vegetables Recipe

Chickpeas, like most legumes, fit perfectly with all kinds of ingredients and are extremely versatile, as they lend themselves to practically any preparation. However, when it comes to healthy and balanced recipes, chickpeas with vegetables are one of the best, since it provides the necessary energy to face the day thanks to carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

For the preparation of this recipe for chickpea stew with vegetables, we have opted for canned chickpeas, since it is much faster to make that way. However, if you prefer to use dried chickpeas, we recommend soaking them the night before and draining them the next day. Likewise, we have used the fast pot. Read on to discover all the secrets we share and learn how to make chickpeas with vegetables.

Ingredients to make quick Chickpeas with vegetables:

  • 1 can of cooked chickpeas
  • ½ onion
  • 1 piece of leek
  • ½ green bell pepper
  • ½ carrot
  • 1 piece of zucchini
  • vegetable broth (as needed)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of ground ginger
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste
  • 1 medium or large potato

How to make quick Chickpeas with vegetables:

1.Chop all the vegetables in advance, trying not to make too small pieces in the case of the onion and leek, and not too big in the case of the pepper, carrot and corvette.

2.We begin to prepare the vegetable sauce by cooking the onion and leek in about two tablespoons of hot olive oil.

3.Add the pepper and carrot when the onion begins to turn transparent. We cook at all times with the pressure cooker over medium heat.

4.Once the previous ingredients begin to be soft, add the zucchini and salt to taste. If we see it necessary, we can add a tablespoon more of oil. We have not incorporated more vegetables, but if you want you can add a chopped tomato at this point, which will give a touch of flavor to the exquisite chickpeas with vegetables.

5.Cook for a few more minutes and pour in the vegetable broth until the ingredients are covered. We do not add more liquid because we are going to grind the sauce, however, if you prefer to make the chickpea stew with whole vegetables, in the next step we will explain what to do.

6.When the vegetables are done, grind all the sauce and put it back in the pot. If you don’t want to blend, we simply leave the ingredients to cook for about 5 minutes with the broth and move on to the next step.

7.Add the potato peeled and cut into cubes of the same size. Also add the chickpeas and mix. We continue cooking over medium heat. Even if you haven’t mashed the soffit, this step and the next should be the same.

8.Sprinkle the spices to taste, place the bay leaf and pour a little more vegetable broth, until the chickpeas are covered. Cover the pressure cooker and let it cook for about 15 minutes. We have used a pressure cooker, if your pressure cooker is one of the traditional ones, you may need to add a few more minutes to the cooking.

Tip: if you have used dry chickpeas, you should cook them without the potato for about 20 minutes with the pot covered and having added the liquid until they are covered. Then you can add the potato.

9.After the time, we wait for the pot to expel the air and carefully uncover. If we want the chickpeas with vegetables recipe to be thicker, we leave the pot over low heat for about 5 more minutes. And ready! As you can see, making a chickpea stew in a pressure cooker is very easy and fast. We can accompany this dish with a tomato salad, especially if we have not used this ingredient.

Chickpea stew with vegetables – TRICKS AND TIMES

As you have already verified, we have made the recipe for chickpeas with vegetables in an express or fast pot, however, if you prefer to use a traditional pot, follow these tips:

  1. Make the sauce in the same way, cooking the onion and leek first, and then the rest of the vegetables.
  2. Pour a little vegetable broth, let it boil and, at this point, mash and pour back into the pot or add the chickpeas directly. If they are not from a pot, also add the potato and let everything cook over medium-low heat, adding more broth to cover everything completely, for at least an hour and a half. Try the chickpeas with vegetables to see if they are ready.
  3. If the chickpeas are from a can, one hour of cooking may be enough but, again, check that everything is well cooked.

Once the traditional method has been explained, let’s go with some tricks:

  1. Grinding the soffit is a trick that allows the little ones to eat this chickpea stew with vegetables that is so beneficial for their growth. You could even mash the entire preparation, although the result will be more of a chickpea puree.
  2. Using homemade vegetable broth is a trick that not only allows us to save money, but also greatly improves the flavor of the recipe.
  3. If we do not have broth, we can substitute it for water. In this case, we can add flavor by adding half a tablet of chicken consommé(averred type), if we do not follow a vegetarian diet, or vegetables.
  4. The spices help enhance the flavor of the stew, so don’t be afraid to experiment and add the ones you like best. Of course, we recommend testing so as not to go overboard with the quantity.
  5. Using cooked chickpeas saves a lot of time, being a perfect trick for those people who cannot spend so much time in the kitchen. Now, if you have enough time, dried chickpeas are more flavorful.

Now, we make a summary of the cooking times of the chickpeas with vegetables recipe in a pressure cooker:

  1. Stir-fry time: 30 minutes approx.
  2. Chickpeas and potato time: 15 minutes approx., plus 5 more minutes with the pot uncovered.
  3. Total recipe time: 45-50 minutes

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