Quick Bites Recipe

In this recipe you will learn to prepare quick and varied sandwiches, ideal to serve at parties or impromptu gatherings with friends. We show you two types of easy-to-make sandwiches, one with chicken and the other with tuna. In this way, you can present different sandwiches and satisfy all audiences. And if you know any more recipes that you think we should add, don’t hesitate to leave your comment!

Read on and find out how to make quick chicken sandwiches and tuna sandwiches, you will love them!

Ingredients to make Quick Bites:

  • 1 piece of Chicken Breast (cooked with garlic, onion and salt)
  • 1 can of tuna
  • 2 pickled chipotle chilies
  • ½ liter of sour cream
  • 1 package of sliced ​​bread
  • 1 bottle of milk (the necessary to be able to liquefy

How to make quick sandwiches:

The boneless breast without the skin is put in pieces in the blender glass with half of the sour cream, a chipotle chili and a little milk (only so that it can be blended, do not add more, as it should be thick mix).

Tip: The chipotle pepper is a type of jalapeño pepper.

To continue with the preparation of the filling for the quick sandwiches, the tuna must be blended separately in the same way. That is, the tuna is blended with the other half of the sour cream, the other chili and a little milk.

Tip: Remove the crust from the sliced ​​bread if you don’t like it.

The slices of bread are placed, some sandwiches are prepared with the chicken mixture and others with the tuna mixture, and the sandwiches are closed and cut into triangles to serve it better.

Tip: You can add other ingredients such as tomato slices or lettuce.

When putting the sandwiches on trays, decorate them with whatever you like, such as banana slices, assorted lettuce, avocado, etc. Cover the trays with a damp cloth so that the quick sandwiches do not dry out. Serve chicken sandwiches and tuna sandwiches cold.

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