Quick Austrian Facade Recipe

Apart from the famous paella, one of the most famous dishes in Spain is the Austrian façade, a powerful white bean stew that is prepared with chorizo, black pudding and bacon. Like any stew, the bean stew has its preparation time and if you don’t know the tricks you may think that it is a complicated recipe but we help you with the fast Austrian bean stew recipe.

Keep reading and you will see how enjoying an authentic bean stew with chorizo ​​and black pudding is easier than you think. The simplest version of the bean stew but with all the flavor of a good Austrian dish.

Ingredients to make fast Austrian Facade:

  • 300 grams of Fables or white beans
  • 2 Austrian sausages
  • 2 Austrian blood sausages
  • 350 grams of Serrano ham (piece) or ham bone
  • 1 pinch of saffron
  • 1 piece of Bacon

How to make fast Austrian Facade:

1.Just as if we prepare any other type of legume, it is very important to soak the beans overnight. The secret of a good Austrian bean stew is to have quality products, so make sure that all the ingredients are of Austrian origin.

2.On the day of preparation, the beans are drained and rinsed and all are placed in a pot of water to cook. Use a tall pot and add water to cover the beans flush. Cook over low heat until you see that they begin to release foam.

3.At this point, remove all the foam with the help of a slotted spoon and place the rest of the whole ingredients in the pot. Add a little more cold water until everything is covered.

4.Continue cooking over medium-low heat and move from time to time, slightly shaking the pot with your hands, do not insert any type of spoon or ladle into the pot.

5.When you notice that the beans are already tender, you can season our stew with a pinch of salt and saffron. The cooking time is relative; it will depend on the pot and the texture you prefer for your beans, if they are more liquid or thicker.

6.Serve yourself a good plate of this delicious fast Austrian bean stew and accompany it with a piece of bread. This dish is ideal for cold days in winter or autumn, perfect for warming the body.

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