Quiche Lorraine Recipe

The quiche Lorraine that we propose plays with the flavors of emmental cheese and bacon, although the original French recipe admits variants. Quiches are very popular and work as a starter or main course, without a doubt a very good option to take in the Tupperware from the office.

Ingredients to make Quiche Lorraine:

  • 1 unit of short crust pastry base
  • 200 grams of Bacon
  • 200 grams of Emmental cheese
  • 200 milliliters of liquid cream
  • 3 units of Eggs
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 jet of oil

How to make Quiche Lorraine:

We prepare the ingredients for the preparation of this salty cheese and bacon cake. If you want to opt for a lighter version, you can substitute liquid cream for evaporated milk. You can buy bacon diced or in strips. First we fry the bacon. Pour it into a pan without oil, as it is healthier if it cooks in its own fat. Remove it from the heat when it is golden brown and discard the oil.

We spread the base of short crust pastry, which is what is usually used for quiches, in a removable mold, which we will have previously spread a little oil. With our fingers we will mold the dough to form the edge, and with a fork we will pierce the base a little to prevent it from swelling in the oven. Remember that you can make the short crust pastry at home with the quiche dough recipe. Next we prepare the filling for the quiche Lorraine. Beat the three eggs in a large bowl for a few minutes.

Add the rest of the ingredients, the liquid cream, the bacon and the chopped cheese. It is also time to add a little black pepper, if you like, and some salt, but keep in mind that the bacon is already quite salty. We stir the mixture well.

Then, we pour the cream into the mold and spread it well so that the ingredients of the quiche Lorraine are distributed evenly.

Put this salty cake in the oven -previously heated- and let it cook at 200ºC. For about 40 minutes. After this time, it is ready to serve. Accompany the quiche Lorraine with a good red wine and a fresh green salad.

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