Pumpkin Pizza Recipe

Did you know that the pizza dough can also include potato, pumpkin or any other vegetable? In this way, it acquires a totally different flavor, which allows us to enjoy much tastier and more original pizzas, as well as healthy.

On this occasion, we want to show you a simple recipe for pumpkin pizza dough; do you dare to try it? With this recipe, you can also take advantage of leftover pumpkin puree leftovers the day before. Likewise, by incorporating this ingredient into the dough, you get the little ones to eat this food that is so beneficial for their body, without realizing it. Keep reading and discover in a quick and easy way how to make pumpkin pizza.

Ingredients to make Pumpkin Pizza:

  1. 200 grams of pumpkin puree
  2. 400 grams of flour 000 or strength
  3. 20 grams of fresh baker’s yeast
  4. 10 grams of salt
  5. 1 pinch of sugar (white or brown)
  6. For the filling:
  7. 1 onion
  8. 1 clove garlic
  9. 1 pinch of pepper
  10. 1 bunch of aromatic herbs (thyme, basil, rosemary and oregano)
  11. 3 tomatoes

How to make Pumpkin Pizza:

  • Prepare the pumpkin puree by cooking the fruit boiled or baked, as you like! In any case, we recommend dicing the pumpkin so that it cooks faster. Baked it will take about 30 minutes, while boiled, finely chopped, the time is reduced to 20 minutes.
  • Tip: If you cook the pumpkin boiled, you will need less liquid to make the pizza dough.
  • Mix the yeast with the sugar, a tablespoon of flour and lukewarm water. The amount of water should be enough to completely cover the mixture. Apart, mix the remaining flour with the salt. To make the pumpkin pizza, the ideal is to use 000 flour, known in some countries as strength flour, but if you can’t find it, you can use “weaker” flour, such as pastry flour, although you should know that the end result will vary. A little.
  • Form a crown with the flour and pour the dissolved yeast, oil and pumpkin puree in the center. Knead until you get smooth and homogeneous dough. If you consider it necessary, you can add water, always slowly so as not to overdo it. Shape into a ball, cover with a clean cloth, and let rise until doubled in volume, about 1 hour.
  • You can also make your pumpkin pizza without flour using whole wheat flour, with or without gluten to obtain a healthier and lighter pumpkin and oatmeal pizza.
  • When the dough has increased in size, you can divide it into several portions to make more than one pizza. For example, you can make pumpkin pizzettes, which are smaller pizzas, if you divide the dough into 4-5 pieces. If, on the other hand, you prefer a larger pumpkin pizza, just divide it in 2.
  • Roll out the dough with a rolling pin or with your own hands, preferably having sprinkled flour on the work table, your fingers or the rolling pin. Place the dough on the baking tray, cover it and let it rest again for a few minutes.
  • While the pumpkin pizza dough is resting for the second time, prepare the ingredients that you will use for the filling. To do this, you can make your own tomato sauce! Chop the onion and fry it in a pan with a splash of hot oil.
  • When the onion is transparent, add the tomatoes, also chopped. Lower the heat so that the tomato releases all its juices and integrates with the onion.
  • Trick: to peel the tomatoes easily, make a cross at the base and leave them in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then, let it cool and you will see that the skin comes out perfectly.
  • When you have the sauce ready, the dough will have rested enough. You can stretch it a little more with your own fingers before distributing the tomato sauce all over the base. Then, add the ingredients that you like the most, such as mushrooms, peppers, aromatic herbs… and mozzarella cheese! Bake the pumpkin pizza for 10-15 minutes at 180ºC and it is ready to eat.

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