Pumpkin Medallions Recipe

Pumpkin medallions, also called pumpkin milanesas or pumpkin milanesas, are ideal for incorporating vegetables in an original and rich way. This preparation consists of a pumpkin puree with onion and battered condiments. Likewise, the medallions are a simple and ideal preparation to make with the little ones. On the other hand, you should know that you can consume these freshly made medallions or freeze them to consume them for 3 months. Also, you can serve it as a main dish for a light meal at home. If you prefer, you can also take them to the office, work or school. In this article we teach you how to make battered pumpkin medallions. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Pumpkin Medallions:

  • 3 slices of pumpkin 1 finger wide
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon of nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon pepper
  • ½ cup oatmeal
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup polenta
  • ½ cup cornflakes
  • 2 small glasses of Carolina double rice
  • 5 chard leaves

How to make Pumpkin Medallions:

To get started with the pumpkin medallions recipe, first cook the pumpkin. To do this, first peel it and cut it into medium cubes. Next, place it in a covered microwave-safe container, cook it for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, leave it for a few minutes in a strainer so that it releases the liquid that may have formed during cooking. Reserve the liquid for later use.

While the pumpkin cools, peel and chop half an onion with 1 teaspoon of oil at maximum temperature. When it’s translucent, lower the heat to medium and, if necessary, add a tablespoon of hot water to clear it from the bottom. Repeat until onion is caramelized.

When the pumpkin is cold, season it and add the oatmeal. With wet hands so they don’t stick, form 4 medallions and place them in the freezer covered for 30 minutes to make it easier to coat them.

Meanwhile, beat the egg with a splash of milk (approximately 20 cc) and process the cornflakes to mix them with the polenta in another bowl.

Tip: you can season the egg with Provencal or mustard to provide more flavor. You can also mix or replace the polenta and flakes with breadcrumbs, panko, seeds or oatmeal.

When the medallions are frozen, remove them and coat them in flour. The flour will absorb the moisture from the vegetables and make the batter crispier. Then pass them through the egg.

Tip: you can also add a little fresh cheese on top of the medallions to add more protein to this dish, thus making delicious pumpkin and cheese medallions.

After moistening your medallions in the egg, coat them with the polenta and flakes. Apply some pressure so that everything sticks well. Next, add the pumpkin medallions to a previously greased roasting pan to cook them in the oven at 200ºC for 15 minutes. After the time for the baked pumpkin milanesas, turn them over and cook them for 10 more minutes.

Sauté the other half of the onion in a skillet over high heat with a teaspoon of oil. When it is transparent, add the rice and sauté it until it browns, mixing every now and then so that it does not stick or burn.

When you have achieved a slightly toasted color, add three times the amount of rice in hot liquid. In this case, where you used 2 wells or small glasses of rice, add 6 wells of water. Remember to use the pumpkin liquid at this point to take advantage of its nutrients instead of discarding them. Then lower the heat to medium and cook for 7 minutes.

After the time, add the raw chard leaves, clean and chopped. Then, sauté the rice with the vegetables for 1 minute so that the chard heats up. Withdraw.

Now you can serve the pumpkin medallions with the rice! Tell us your opinion in the comments and share with us a photograph of the final result.

With what to accompany the pumpkin medallions?

In addition to this idea that we have provided you with sautéed rice with chard and onion, you can accompany your baked pumpkin slices with the following preparations:

  • Baked mashed potato.
  • Caramelized sweet potatoes.
  • Bethlehem Salad.

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