Pumpkin gnocchi recipe

Pumpkin gnocchi are a very rich and healthy alternative to enjoy this typical dish of Italian cuisine. Unlike the traditional recipe, these pumpkin gnocchi do not contain potatoes, but they are just as tender and delicious. In addition, they maintain the orange color so characteristic of the vegetable. For this recipe we have used cubutia squash, a variety of pumpkin of Japanese origin that is usually much drier and tastier. This will benefit you when cooking the gnocchi since it will not require adding more flour than necessary.

On the 29th of each month, Argentine families prepare these gnocchi dishes in their different versions, a tradition that goes back many decades. Legend says that an envelope with money should be placed under the plate as a symbol of good wishes, to bring prosperity to the family. Do you dare to prepare the pumpkin gnocchi on the 29th? Keep reading this step-by-step recipe to discover how to make pumpkin gnocchi, simple and delicious.

Ingredients to make pumpkin gnocchi:

  • 1 egg
  • 350 grams of flour 000
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste
  • 1 pinch of pepper to taste
  • 2 cups of pumpkin puree (caution)
  • 1 medium onion
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 handful of grated cheese

How to make pumpkin gnocchi:

  1. Preheat the oven to medium temperature, about 180 ºC. Cut the pumpkin in half, remove the seeds and reserve them. Wrap the squash pieces in aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour .until it is golden brown.
  2. First thing’s first! We are going to cut the zucchini in half, remove the seeds (be careful! Do not throw them away!) We salt it (I use coarse salt) one half of the onion and cover with aluminum. DATA! If you put it in the oven, you avoid excess liquid when kneading and you don’t go too far with flour.
  3. Once the pumpkin is cooked, remove the aluminum that covered it and let it cool.
  4. With the help of a fork, shred the cooked squash until you get a puree. Season it with pepper, a dash of curry and a touch of turmeric. Also add the egg, stir well and set aside.
  5. Tip: you can also prepare pumpkin and potato gnocchi. To do this, use the same ratio of pumpkin and boiled potato when you prepare the puree.
  6. To prepare the caution squash gnocchi dough, place the flour on a clean surface and form a crown. Pour the pumpkin puree in the center and slowly knead for several minutes, incorporating both ingredients well. When your dough is ready, cut it into 4 portions and reserve.
  7. If you prefer a healthier option, you can choose to prepare the pumpkin gnocchi with whole wheat flour. Keep in mind that whole meal flour absorbs more liquid than normal, so 300 grams will be more than enough.
  8. Sprinkle a little flour on the work surface. Roll out the portions of dough into long, thin rolls to shape your pumpkin gnocchi. Cut these rolls into small pieces 1 to 2 fingers long. With the help of a fork, crush the little balls that you have left slightly. Once the gnocchi are ready, reserve in the fridge so that they acquire consistency.
  9. Boil the tomatoes for 5 minutes. First, remove the stem, and then make a cross with the help of a knife at the top.
  10. While the tomatoes are boiling, start preparing the gnocchi sauce. She begins by frying the onion cut into small pieces in a pan.
  11. Next, peel the boiled tomatoes and cut them into cubes. Add them to the pan with the sautéed onion and add a pinch of sugar to reduce the acidity of the tomato. Cook over medium heat until the tomato begins to reduce.
  12. Prepare a pot with plenty of water and salt to boil the pumpkin gnocchi. With 2 or 3 minutes of cooking it will be enough. You will know they are cooked when they rise to the surface of the water and float.
  13. Add the boiled gnocchi to the sauce pan. Also add a little cooking water to give creaminess and prevent them from drying out. Stir for a minute and remove from heat.
  14. You already have your pumpkin gnocchi ready! Serve the dish with olives and some green leaves of basil, rosemary, thyme or oregano.

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