Pumpkin Arepa recipe without corn flour

You want to eat arepa but… you want something healthy! Don’t worry, this article brings you an exquisite and nutritious option? We invite you to try the delicious pumpkin arepas without cornmeal. You only need two ingredients: pumpkin and cornstarch, so there are no excuses. You will love its smooth consistency!

You can fill this delicious pumpkin arepa with cornstarch with avocado and white cheese, caprese salad, chicken salad, and yellow cheese or… any delicacy you can think of!

Ingredients to make Arepa de auyama without corn flour:

  • 1 kilogram of Auyama
  • 1 cup cornstarch or cornstarch
  • 1 pinch of salt to taste

How to make Arepa de auyama without corn flour:

To facilitate work in the kitchen, it is advisable to be tidy and have everything at hand. The correct measure and the ingredients arranged according to the recipe. So after you have the work table ready, you can start cooking…it will be very quick and easy. Now…Let’s get to work! We are going to prepare these delicious cheap arepas.

In many light recipes, pumpkin is the protagonist due to its consistency, nutrients and… Flavor! Boil the pumpkin, prick the pieces with a fork and check that they are soft but still firm. Remove from heat, then let cool a bit and remove the shell. Another option is to preheat the oven to 180º C and when it reaches the desired temperature, wrap the pumpkin with the shell in aluminum foil and bake. Wait 30 to 45 minutes, until the pulp is soft but solid. Then, remove the pumpkin from the oven, and let it cool to cut into slices. Subsequently, crush the sheets to create a pumpkin puree.

In both processes, the most important thing is the final consistency of the pumpkin, which must be firm.

Trick: The consistency of the auyama must be firm, so that the purée is consistent and thus the mass of the arepa is adequate.

If you chose to boil the pumpkin, you should pass the pieces through a strainer to remove excess water. Reserve a cup of the water from the pumpkin, to moisten the dough for the cornstarch arepas later.

Tip: To remove excess water, you can use a strainer but it is preferable to use a coffee strainer hose, a clean cloth, gauze or a piece of clean cloth.

Prepare a puree with the pumpkin pieces. Remember that it must be firm for this gluten-free corn arepas recipe to work. You can substitute cornstarch for rice flour, if you prefer.  The pumpkin arepas with rice flour are also very delicious.

Trick: Pre-heat the budare or the pan.

Place the puree in a bowl and add the cornstarch little by little, while you knead. Put salt to taste. Knead until you get a compact consistency.

Trick: If you notice that the dough sticks to your hands a lot, add a little more cornstarch, but little by little. You can also moisten your hands with a little oil.

Form a ball with the dough of the Venezuelan arepas, divide it in two and form two balls.  With each ball form some discs of dough.

Trick: Add flaxseed powder to the mixture, if you wish, or chia seeds.

Place a little oil in the budare or frying pan to prevent the pumpkin arepas from sticking.  The budare looks like a metal plate, which is used in Venezuela to cook arepas and cachapas. Then, if you wish, you can put them in the oven so that they are more toasted.

If you opt for the pan or budare, cook five minutes on each side. Then, cover the cornstarch arepa with the lid of a saucepan. This way, it will finish cooking more evenly.

Tell me if your mouth is watering? The sweet flavor of pumpkin with melted white cheese, with tuna salad or with the famous black beans (black beans, black beans, black beans, burritos or gallon pinto). In my country there is a dish called pavilion criollo, excellent to fill this arepa, but it is also delicious the other way around, accompanying the pavilion with it.

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