Pumpkin and ricotta gnocchi recipe

This pumpkin and ricotta gnocchi recipe is exquisite, and it is also very easy and simple to prepare. Pumpkin gnocchi take on an orange color thanks to the color of the pumpkin, which owes its intense color to beta-carotene. It also contains powerful antioxidants that prevent cell aging and take care of the health of the skin and the health of the eyes. On the other hand, ricotta is a dairy derivative with high protein content. So, we use both ingredients in this recipe to prepare soft and light gnocchi. Ideal for every 29th of the month or to delight your diners with a delicate dish.

Ingredients to make pumpkin and ricotta gnocchi:

  1. 200 grams of pumpkin
  2. 40 grams of ricotta
  3. 1 egg
  4. 75 grams of flour
  5. ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  6. 1 pinch of pepper
  7. ½ teaspoon baking powder
  8. extra flour to stretch

How to make Pumpkin and Ricotta Gnocchi:

  • The first step in making this pumpkin and ricotta gnocchi recipe is to cook the pumpkin. To do this, peel it and cut it into cubes. Then, cook it in the microwave in a suitable container and covered, about 12 minutes. Cooking it this way, it won’t absorb as much water as boiled, otherwise you’ll need a lot of flour for the gnocchi and they won’t be as soft anymore.
  • Tip: if you don’t have a microwave, you can cook it in the oven with its shell, split in half and covered with foil.
  • Once cooked with the method you have chosen, step on it and reserve the puree.
  • On the other hand, arrange the ricotta over a fine strainer to remove excess whey.
  • Mix the ricotta with the pumpkin puree that you have prepared previously and season to taste. Taste it and add the baking powder.
  • Add the egg and integrate it well mixing.
  • Add to your preparation half the amount of flour indicated in the recipe and integrate it, trying not to knead too much. If you notice that you still need more flour, add the rest. Keep in mind that it may still stick to your hands a bit, but don’t add too much flour, otherwise they will be tough.
  • Tip: if you are gluten intolerant or celiac, you can replace the flour with cornstarch.
  • With floured hands, take a portion of the size you want to make the gnocchi and cook in plenty of boiling water. In this way, you will check if the dough is cooked correctly. If you don’t and need more flour, it’s time to do so before making the rest of the filled pumpkin gnocchi.
  • Tip: you must do this step first with gnocchi to observe the process. If it turns out well, you can cook the rest.
  • Cover a clean allowance with flour and overturn half of the preparation. With your floured hands, roll it out into a cylinder and cut equal-sized portions. Shape them into whatever shape you like, for example by passing them through the floured gnocchi maker
  • As you make the roasted pumpkin gnocchi, arrange them on a floured plate, board, or baking sheet.
  • Cook the ricotta and pumpkin gnocchi in plenty of boiling water, without overlapping them; you must cook them until they float. Before removing them, check that they do not taste like flour.
  • Serve them with your favorite sauce and grated cheese.

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