Pumpkin and Rice Burger Recipe

Learn how to make these easy, delicious and healthy vegan gluten-free burgers. We point out that with this recipe you will get 1 portion that will provide you with 170 calories and 26% of the daily recommended fiber, in addition to a large supply of beta-carotene, vitamin A and antioxidants that will help you eliminate free radicals. Also, by using these foods included in the hamburgers, it will have a great acceptance in children.

If you want to know how to make pumpkin and rice burgers, don’t miss this recipe. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Pumpkin and Rice Burgers:

  • 150 grams of pumpkin
  • 40 grams of rice
  • ½ dessert spoon of turmeric
  • ½ garlic clove roasted
  • ¼ dessert spoon of ground chili
  • ½ dessert spoon of smoked paprika
  • 1 tablespoon whole wheat or corn flour

How to make Pumpkin Rice Burgers:

Start the recipe for pumpkin and rice burgers by first boiling the rice in plenty of water for about 7-10 minutes, you must take into account the instructions on the package and the type of rice. In addition, we point out that you can replace the thin length used in this recipe with yamani or brown rice. In either case, the cooking time will be a little longer, between 10 and 15 minutes or even 20. Strain it, wet it with cold water to reduce its temperature and season it to taste with turmeric, smoked paprika, chili ground and roasted garlic.

Tip: don’t worry if the rice overcooks, in this preparation you must process it, therefore, it won’t be a problem.

While the rice is cooking, peel and cut the squash into cubes. Cook it in a suitable container covered with film approximately 6 minutes.

Tip: if you don’t have a microwave, you can cook it in the oven (it will take about 30 minutes) or steam it (20 minutes). Either way, you will lose few nutrients.

Process the cooked pumpkin with the seasoned rice and taste the dough. Once you are satisfied with the flavor, take the preparation to the refrigerator for approximately 10 minutes and after that time, add the tablespoon of flour.

Tip: choose corn flour if you are going to prepare this recipe for someone who has celiac disease.

With the help of wet hands, take 1 tablespoon of the preparation and make 2 or 3 balls of the same size.

Tip: if your hands are wet, the preparation of your easy pumpkin burgers will not stick to them.

Take the balls to a hot pan with 1 teaspoon of oil spread, you can also add the oil with 1 napkin or spray, keep in mind that you must have a very strong fire. Once you’ve arranged all the patties, turn the heat down to medium and let them brown for about 5 minutes on each side.

Trick: all the ingredients of the pumpkin and rice burgers are cooked, therefore, what we are looking for at this point is to ensure that they maintain their shape and take on flavor when browning them. Serve your burgers and enjoy a tasty and quick vegan and healthy option. To eat!

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