Pumpkin and corn empanadas recipe

Empanadas, as well as tarts or pumpkin and corn baskets, are excellent options for light meals or healthy snacks to have available at work, school or university. Its great versatility allows you to make thousands of versions and not get bored. Therefore, this time, we want to show you how to prepare some easy and delicious pumpkin and corn empanadas. Thanks to the pumpkin, the result provides a sweet touch and nutrients that care for the skin. As for corn, despite being considered a starchy vegetable, like potatoes, sweet potatoes and cassava, it provides twice as much fiber as these vegetables. This makes it ideal to incorporate into the diet of those who are looking to lose weight or have diabetes. In this article we teach you how to make pumpkin and corn empanadas. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make Pumpkin and Corn Empanadas:

• 500 grams of pumpkin

• ½ cup of shelled corn

• 1 teaspoon of nutmeg

• 1 sprig of green

• ½ teaspoon of turmeric

• ½ teaspoon thyme

• 6 empanada discs

• 30 grams of fresh cheese

• 1 teaspoon paprika

To paint:

• 1 egg

How to make Pumpkin and Corn Empanadas:

To start with the pumpkin and corn empanadas recipe, first cook the pumpkin for 6 minutes. Then turn over and cook for another 6 minutes.

Tip: if you don’t have a microwave, you can cook it in the oven for 20 minutes in a greased roasting pan.

After the time, heat a griddle with 1 teaspoon of oil and 1 clove of garlic. Grill the pumpkin slices on both sides.

Tip: The goal is to brown the squash to provide a luscious caramelized flavor, though you could easily avoid that.

Mash the pumpkin slices to make a puree. Mix the pumpkin puree with the shelled corn, the chopped greens and the seasonings (nutmeg, turmeric, paprika and thyme). You can use frozen, canned or fresh corn, previously cooked or boiled. In this case, it’s about 10 minutes in the microwave or steamed for 4 minutes per unit. Reserve your filling until cool.

Trick: you can also add a pinch of cheese to the filling and make delicious pumpkin and cheese empanadas.

When the filling of your pumpkin and corn empanadas is cold, fill the discs and add a cube of fresh cheese in the center. If you don’t eat animal products, avoid cheese.

Place the empanadas on a previously greased roasting pan and then paint them with the beaten egg. If you don’t eat animal products, you can also skip this step. Then, cook the empanadas in a preheated oven at 200ºC or 220ºC for 15 minutes or until they are golden brown. Now you can eat the delicious pumpkin and corn

Tip: if you have diabetes or are looking to lose weight, we recommend making these empanadas with whole meal dough to provide more fiber.

With what to accompany the pumpkin and corn empanadas

These empanadas provide carbohydrates in the dough, in the corn and in the vegetables. Also, you should know that a complete, balanced and healthy dish is made up of carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables. Therefore, to introduce more proteins and vegetables, we recommend accompanying these pumpkin and corn empanadas with these preparations:

• Capers salad

• Tomato and onion salad

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