Pumpkin and Apple Cream Recipe

This pumpkin and apple cream that we share is rich and healthy, an ideal dish as a starter or for a light dinner. The contrast of these two ingredients is a true delight, so much so that even children will eat this dish that is so beneficial for their development. You will see that the result is a soft cream, but with a lot of flavor.

This cream can be taken both in winter, very warm, and in summer, since it is also incredible cold. Creams are ideal for consuming those ingredients that many people, especially the little ones, tend to reject: vegetables. These foods are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fiber, they are digestive and diuretic. Without a doubt, creams are a great way to eat healthy, and very easy! Stay with us and discover how to make pumpkin and apple cream, you’ll love it!

Ingredients to make Pumpkin and Apple Cream:

  • 700 grams of pumpkin
  • 2 apples
  • 2 leeks
  • 1 liter of water or vegetable broth
  • 1 splash of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Pumpkin and Apple Cream:

  • The greenest part of the leeks can be discarded if it is in poor condition or you can also use it to prepare this pumpkin and apple cream. Remove the roots, cut the leeks in half and then into small pieces. Heat a saucepan with a splash of oil and cook the leeks until they are slightly golden.
  • Peel the apples and cut them into pieces. Peel the pumpkin and cut it into rather small pieces so that it cooks quickly. If you like, you can add one or two carrots to the recipe.
  • Tip: you can reserve a quarter of an apple to decorate the cream at the end.
  • When the leek has been in the pan for 3-4 minutes, add the pumpkin and apple and fry these ingredients.
  • Cover the vegetables with the water or broth. You can make a broth with vegetables or with a bouillon cube. Add a little salt and pepper. Let cook about 15 minutes or until the vegetables, especially the pumpkin, are tender.
  • When you see that the pumpkin is already tender, grind the preparation to get the creamy texture. To do this, put the vegetables in a container, remove a little of the broth and reserve it in case more is needed. Blend the pumpkin and apple cream until it is a fine cream. If it is very thick you can add the broth that you have reserved from cooking the vegetables. Once the cream is crushed, if you like it finer, you can pass it through a chino is or strainer.
  • Return the cream to the saucepan and heat it again. Taste for salt and pepper and adjust if necessary. If you like it a bit creamier, you can add a little milk cream or coconut milk at this time. Likewise, you can add curry if you feel like enjoying a pumpkin and apple curry cream. Let it boil for a few minutes and it will be ready to serve.
  • All that remains is to serve this delicious and nutritious pumpkin and apple cream recipe. If you have decided to reserve the apple quarter, cut it into small cubes and add them to the dish, along with a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of pepper.

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