Puff pastry recipe stuffed with garlic chicken

Garlic chicken is a classic in our kitchen, and surely each house has its own recipe. In this article, we are going to prepare a traditional recipe but giving it a new presentation and a little twist. It is an easy recipe, with cheap ingredients, but with a nice way of presenting it, in individual format and incorporating the puff pastry, which is usually quite liked by both children and adults. Freshly made and warm it is very tasty, but when cold we can also continue enjoying its delicious flavor.

If by chance you don’t like rosemary, you can substitute it with thyme, for example, and enjoy its aroma and the good flavor it also gives to dishes. Keep reading and discover how to make puff pastry stuffed with chicken.

Ingredients to make Puff Pastry Stuffed with Garlic Chicken:

• 8 cloves of garlic

• 500 grams of boneless chicken thighs

• 4 tablespoons of olive oil

• 1 sprig of rosemary

• 1 milliliter of sweet red wine

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 piece of freshly ground black pepper

• 1 sheet of puff pastry

• 1 beaten egg

How to make Puff Pastry Stuffed with Garlic Chicken:

We will start by lightly crushing the garlic cloves. Remove the skin from the boneless thighs, remove the fatty parts and cut into strips. Season to taste. Put the oil in a large frying pan and add the washed and dried sprig of rosemary, the garlic and the chicken strips. Sauté for 10 minutes over high heat.

Add the wine, lower the heat, cover and cook the chicken with garlic for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time. Meanwhile, make the puff pastry and preheat the oven to 200ºC. Roll out the puff pastry and cut it in half. Then, brush one of the halves with beaten egg and put the other half on top.

Cut the dough into four equal parts and mark with a knife a slightly smaller rectangle in the center of each puff pastry, but without actually cutting the dough, just enough to mark it. In this way, it will be like a kind of container and we can prepare the puff pastry stuffed with chicken. Brush with more beaten egg and bake the puff pastry at 200ºC with heat up and down for 15 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and let cool on a rack.

Remove the central rectangle of the puff pastries, just where we had marked them, to leave a hole and be able to fill them with the garlic chicken. Divide the garlic chicken between the puff pastries and serve immediately. Decorate if desired with a little fresh rosemary. A very colorful, rich and easy recipe.

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