Puerto Rican Yuca Mofongo Recipe

Cassava mofongo for turkey is a typical dish from Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic; although there are also many other versions throughout America. In Cuba, for example, two delicious versions are tasted called machuquillo and the other is plantain fufú.

The Puerto Rican plantain mofongo is the resulting mixture of fried green plantain, garlic, olive oil, broth, and meats (chicharrón, bacon, etc.). This dish is a kind of consistent dough, perfect to accompany protein foods. Although the most popular ingredient to prepare this recipe is plantain, there are variants with other starchy roots, including cassava.

For you to enjoy the versatility of Latin American food, this time we invite you to try this version of the traditional recipe with Afro-Latin roots: Puerto Rican yuca mofongo. The cassava provides a neutral flavor that gives this garnish more versatility, making it the perfect accompaniment to any stew (beef, pork, chicken) or shellfish and fish. It can even be great for stuffing a Thanksgiving turkey or any poultry. Go ahead and prepare it because it is very easy!

Ingredients to make Puerto Rican Yuca Mofongo:

  • 3 kilograms of cassava
  • 600 grams of bacon
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 2 cups of oil for frying (even less)

How to make Puerto Rican Yuca Mofongo:

  1. Wash the cassava, remove the shell and cut into two parts. Pour water into a saucepan, wait until it boils before cooking the tuber.
  2. When the cassava is soft, remove from the heat. You can check its consistency with a fork.
  3. Trick: If when you click it goes in and out easily, it is ready, otherwise it continues cooking.
  4. Drain the cassava very well. Chop into cubes and reserve.
  5. Heat the oil in the pan. After it heats up, add the yucca cubes and stir constantly.
  6. Sauté the cubes until they are very well browned. Then, put them on absorbent paper until you remove as much fat as possible.
  7. Pour a drop of oil and place the bacon (bacon).
  8. Wait for it to toast and remove from the heat. Repeat the absorbent paper operation now with the bacon.
  9. Trick: Remember that to fry the bacon you need very little oil, because it has its own fat.
  10. Crush the garlic in the mortar (pilon).
  11. Then, add the crushed garlic into a bowl, along with the golden yucca cubes and the toasted bacon.
  12. Blend everything very well until you achieve a uniform mass.
  13. Use a container with a rounded bottom to incorporate the boiled yuca mofongo dough inside and give it the traditional shape.
  14. This yuca mofongo garnish from Puerto Rico is a delicacy, perfect to accompany any main dish.
  15. You can decorate the Puerto Rican yuca mofongo with any vegetable, broth or sauce of your choice. Good appetite!

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