Provençal frog’s recipe

Ingredients to make Provençal Frogs:

  • 24 frogs, if they are wild better because they are tastier than farmed, they have to be of a good size
  • Flour
  • Salt
  • pepper grinder
  • minced garlic
  • Chopped parsley
  • Neutral oil for frying

How to make Frogs Provençal:

1.Once the frogs are clean, separate the legs from the rest of the body and discard the rest.

2.Season the legs with salt, coat them in flour and fry them in hot oil until they take on a soft golden color.

3.Drain, put them on a bowl and sprinkle them with the chopped garlic and parsley.

4.Serve immediately with cherry tomatoes and julienne arugula, seasoned with olive oil and lemon.


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