Prawn and orange salad recipe

I propose a new healthy salad to fill your table with color and flavor. It is prepared in a moment and it is the same for a rich dinner after a long day of work as for a more festive meal, in fact at home, I prepare this shrimp and orange salad sometimes at family gatherings, birthdays or at Christmas and nothing is left over. Of course, you can vary the ingredients to your liking or taking into account what is in the pantry… let your imagination run wild!

Ingredients to make Prawn and Orange Salad:

  • 1 lettuce
  • 250 grams of cooked prawns
  • 1 Burgos type cheese
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 apple
  • 1 small can of sweet corn
  • 1 handful of croutons
  • 1 handful of fried onion
  • 80 grams of pitted black olives
  • 125 milliliters of sour cream sauce for salads

How to make Prawn and Orange Salad:

We start by cutting and washing the lettuce. To eliminate the remains of water, we centrifuge it or in any case leave it in a colander. Peel the prawns and reserve them. We cut the Burgos cheese into cubes and reserve it as well.

Peel the oranges and cut them into small segments or dice, and place them in a salad bowl or large bowl.

We wash the apple, remove the tail and the heart and cut it into cubes. We add it together with the orange. Drain the liquid from the corn and olives and add them too. Finally we put the lettuce very well drained.

Add the sour cream sauce to the shrimp and fruit salad and mix very well with the help of some salad forks.

Before serving, put a handful of fried onion and another of croutons on top and distribute the cubes of cheese and prawns. We bring the shrimp and orange salad with fresh cheese to the table immediately and serve. Bon Appetite!

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