Pozole Verde Recipe with Pork

Pozole is a kind of soup that has its origins in pre-Hispanic times. The star ingredient is cacahuazintle corn or corn hominy to which a type of meat is added, depending on the region, whether it is pork, fish or chicken. The green pozole with pork has the particularity that it is prepared with the flavor of the pork and is seasoned with a rich, slightly spicy green sauce. In Mexico, it is served as a main dish at lunchtime, accompanied by a series of very fresh ingredients that add to this feast of flavors.

Ingredients to make green Pozole with pork:

  • 1 kilogram of Pozolero corn or precooked cacahuazintle corn
  • ½ kilogram of Pork meat in pieces (solid)
  • 2½ liters of water
  • 1 unit of Holy Leaf
  • ½ unit of White Onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 3 grams of salt
  • For the green sauce
  • ½ kilogram of green tomato
  • ½ unit of white onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 units of Cuaresmeno chili
  • ½ liter of water

How to make green Pozole with pork:

  • Start by washing the grains of our green pozole very well, let them drain and reserve.
  • Do the same with the pork and reserve.
  • Put in an express pot water, the corn grains for our green pozole, the pork, the holy leaf (also known as acuyo, tlanepa or momo), the white onion, the garlic clove and the salt. Cover it and let it cook for an hour. If you do not have an express pot, you can do it in a normal pot, but the cooking will take two hours and you will have to add an extra liter of water, since we lose more water because evaporation is more exposed.
  • For the green sauce of our pozole, cook the tomatoes, the onion, the garlic clove and the Cuaresmeño pepper (without seeds) in water for about 20 minutes. Once the time has elapsed, blend with everything and water, reserve.
  • When the corn grains are ready, remove the onion, garlic and the holy leaf; remove the meat and reserve it. Pour the green sauce without straining and boil another 15 minutes.

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