Potato Roll Recipe

In Argentina, the classic roll with pionono dough is usually prepared for Christmas and New Year’s family gatherings. As it is hot here for these dates, it is served cold. On this occasion, we bring you this hot alternative made with potatoes, an easy, practical and, above all, delicious recipe!

You can prepare this potato roll with children because it does not involve too much work with the fire, since it is cooked in the oven. In fact, it is important that the little ones participate in the kitchen, since getting involved with food allows them to get to know it and dare to try new things. Read on to find out how to make potato roll.

Ingredients to make Potato Roll:

  1.  450 grams of potato
  2.  1 egg
  3.  70 grams of cooked ham
  4.  100 grams of machine cheese (cut into slices)
  5.  5 dried tomatoes
  6.  1 dessert spoon of nutmeg
  7.  ½ dessert spoon of pepper
  8.  1 dessert spoon of garlic puree

How to make Potato Roll:

  • Hydrate dried tomatoes in hot water. Wash and prick the potato to cook it with its skin in the microwave for 6 minutes. After that time, turn it and cook it for 6 more minutes.
  • Tip: if you don’t have a microwave, cook it with its skin in boiling water until you notice that it is soft when you pierce it. This way, it will absorb less water than if you peel it and boil it in cubes.
  • Being careful not to burn yourself, peel the potato. If there is any piece of skin left, do not worry because you have previously washed it and it will be a more rustic puree. So, crush it and season it to taste.
  • When the flavor of the puree is to your liking, let it cool down a bit and add the egg. Mix and reserve to continue with the potato roll recipe.
  • Cover the table with plastic wrap and distribute the purée on it, forming a 2 cm high rectangle.
  • Add the dried tomatoes previously hydrated, on them place the ham and, finally, the cheese. You can make the potato roll with the cheese that you like the most, as long as it is sliced. Similarly, if you want to make a vegetarian potato roll, simply remove the ham and substitute another ingredient, such as spinach.
  • Begin to roll up your potato roll with the help of cling film to press down.
  • Tip: Preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • Close the ends of the plastic wrap like a candy and place the potato roll on a baking tray. Bake it for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Serve it by opening the film being careful not to burn yourself. You can cover it with a green sauce and cut it into slices about 2 fingers wide so that it does not fall apart. Accompany your potato, ham and cheese roll with a fresh green leaf salad or a caprese salad.

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