Potato crumbs recipe

Ingredients to make potato crumbs:

  • Potatoes
  • Broad beans
  • Bacon
  • Sausage

How to make potato crumbs:

This recipe is from my grandmother, in this area of ​​the Alpujarra (Almeria and Granada) breadcrumbs are made, the most typical are semolina flour and these are very old hardly known.

Potatoes are fried in plenty of oil and on a rather low heat when they are soft, oil is removed, leaving a little.

While he would have made a gacheta (mixture) of wheat flour and water, neither too thick nor too soft, which is poured over the potatoes.

It is now when the crumbs begin to be made: Stir and stir patiently (not turning, but like frying potatoes in a pan, turning them over and breaking them). This takes time, the crumbs are when they “slide”.

The migas are much appreciated because they are accompanied with anything you like: fried or roasted fish, dried cod, vegetables, fruits, slaughter products…. in short, a pleasure.

Perhaps these crumbs, semolina and potatoes are little known, but if you do not know them, do not miss them, whoever tries them, I assure you, repeats. Now I quickly explain semolina crumbs:

Put a glass of oil in the frying pan, where some garlic with skin is browned, add a handful of semolina flour in the form of rain that browns and quickly a liter of water and salt, when it starts to boil, make a kilo of semolina flour and stir like crazy.

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