Potato and Meatloaf Recipe

Potato cake is a well-known and enjoyed dish throughout Latin America, especially in countries like Argentina and Chile. It is much loved in large families, as it is a satisfying dish and very simple to prepare. It consists of two layers of puree and a layer of meat in the middle, although, sometimes, the base layer of puree is omitted and it is only made with one of meat and one of puree on top.

Like many Creole recipes, this potato cake has infinite variations and you can make it however you like, some people add shredded chicken to the layer of meat, hard-boiled egg or olives. We can also find versions with sugar on the surface, which when gratin creates a crunchy layer and a quite pleasant sweet touch.

It is a very replenishing recipe that can last up to 3 days in the refrigerator before baking, an excellent option to take to the sick or people with low spirits to cook. If you want to try this delicious recipe or you are wondering what to bring to the family reunion, it is an excellent option for you! Keep reading and learn how to make easy homemade potato and meatloaf.

Ingredients to make Potato and Meatloaf:

For the filling:

  • 500 grams of ground meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of oregano
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon salt

For the puree:

  • 6 medium potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 3 cups of milk (720 milliliters)
  • 1 teaspoon salt

How to make Potato and Meatloaf:

Wash the potatoes very well and remove the skin. Put the potatoes in a pot with enough water to cover them, boil them for 15 to 20 minutes.

Trick: To know that they are ready you can prick the potatoes with a fork, if they do not resist they are ready.

Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it in a pan with a little oil. Add the meat and seasonings and sauté for 15 minutes over medium heat. When the potatoes are soft, add the butter, salt and milk. Proceed to mash the potatoes with a fork or potato masher. It’s time to assemble the potato and meat pie. You can make several individual cake pans or make a large one and slice it. Grease the mold with oil and put the first layer of the cake, it can be puree or directly meat. Note that the top layer should be puree, whether you put a puree layer on the bottom or not.

If you added a hard-boiled egg to the recipe, place it on top of the meat layer and finish the cake with a thick layer of puree, you can sprinkle grated cheese on top to make it au gratin. Bake at 200°C until bubbling around the edges and golden on top, about 30-40 minutes. Wait a few minutes when removing from the oven to avoid accidents, peel back the edges with a knife, and serve your baked potato cake while it’s still hot.

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