Potato and cod recipe with Thermomix

Potato and cod recipe with Thermo mix

Potato and cod recipe with Thermo mix

Potatoes with cod are a traditional dish that can bring back childhood memories for many. It is a simple, cheap and delicious stew that will return the heat to your body on winter days. Follow the recipe step by step and enjoy a good plate of potatoes and cod with Thermo mix.

Ingredients to make Potato and cod with Thermo mix:Potato and cod recipe with Thermomix

  • 70 milliliters of oil
  • 1 unit of green pepper
  • 1 unit of large onion
  • 3 pieces of red pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 800 grams of chopped potatoes
  • 750 milliliters of water
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 150 grams of desalted cod (without skin or bone)
  • 1 unit of concentrated broth tablet
  • 1 cup of rice
  • 1 handful of fresh parsley

How to make Potato and cod with Thermo mix:


The first step to make this dish of potatoes with cod will be to chop the peppers together with paprika powder, the garlic and the onion together with the oil. Program the Thermo mix for 6 seconds at speed 3 ½.


After crushing this, program the Thermo mix again for 5 minutes but with a temperature of 100º and speed 2.


Next, place the butterfly on the blades and add the chopped potatoes to the glass with half a liter of water. Reserve the rest of the water for later use. Then, program for 10 more minutes repeating the same temperature at speed 1, but this time without the cup in the jar.


After these 10 minutes, add the cod to the Thermo mix together with the rice, the pepper, the stock cube and the rest of the water. Program for 15 minutes, again at the same speed 1 and 100º temperature. Correct the seasoning and add more water if you consider it necessary.


If you see that it boils too much, you can lower the temperature to 90º for the last 5 minutes of cooking. Uncover, sprinkle a little fresh parsley and enjoy.


Enjoy a good dish of potatoes and cod with Thermo mix and bon appetite!


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