Potato and cheese croquettes recipe

These potato and cheese croquettes that we show are ideal to serve as a starter, appetizer or tapa at any special moment since they are very simple to make and it will not take you long to prepare them. You just have to boil the potatoes, make a puree, mix with the rest of the ingredients, form the stuffed balls, fry and enjoy!

Ingredients to make Potato and Cheese Croquettes:

• 4 medium potato

• 100 grams of grated mozzarella

• 100 grams of mozzarella in bar or provolone cheese

• 100 grams of breadcrumbs

• 2 tablespoons chopped parsley

• Black pepper

• Salt

• Oil for frying

How to make Potato and Cheese Croquettes:

Gather the ingredients needed to make the Cheese and Potato Croquettes first. Peel the potatoes and cut them into small pieces, so they will take much less time to cook. Place the potatoes in a pot with a little salt, cover with cold water and turn the heat to high. Let them boil until soft and then drain them.

Tip: You can also steam them.

Puree the cooked potatoes by mashing them or passing them through a food mill. And then mix them with the parsley, mozzarella cheese and half the breadcrumbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste, mix everything well and this will be the dough for the cheese and potato croquettes.

Take a portion of the dough with your hands and flatten it a bit. In the center, place a piece of mozzarella cheese in a stick or provolone cheese and mold it to form a closed ball or meatball. Coat the potato and cheese croquettes with the remaining breadcrumbs once you have prepared them all, pressing a little so that it adheres well. Fry them in hot oil until they are completely golden. Then, take them out and place them on a plate with absorbent paper.

Trick: If you prefer, you can make baked potato and cheese croquettes.

Serve the freshly made potato and cheese croquettes and enjoy this easy and economical treat.

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