Potato and Carrot Dumplings Recipe

If you want to prepare some homemade dumplings, but you feel like eating a vegetarian recipe, here is a very original preparation with touches of exotic flavor thanks to the use of spices typical of Indian cuisine, such as coriander seeds and turmeric.

With the ingredients on the list we will prepare some  delicious potato and carrot dumplings, but yes, do not think that we are not going to complicate a lot because in fact this recipe will be ready in less than 15 minutes, taking advantage of the facilities that the products give us frozen and precooked dough. In short, a recipe for quick and easy vegetarian dumplings.

You will see how the flavor of these spices surprises you and if you feel like it and have time, you also have the choice of doing everything at home with some extra recipes that you will find in the step by step. Let’s cook!

Ingredients to make potato and carrot dumplings:

  • 1½ kilograms of frozen vegetable mix
  • 2 packages of Wafers for dumplings
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of Turmeric
  • 1 tablespoon coriander seeds
  • 1 jet of olive oil
  • 1 egg

How to make Potato and Carrot Dumplings:

As it is a quick and easy recipe, we will use frozen vegetables, so you can buy the typical salad mix that includes potatoes, carrots, beans and peas. If you prefer, you can do it only with potatoes and peas as in the original recipe for Indian samosas.

Then, heat water in a more or less deep pot and cook the vegetables for about 5-7 minutes, no need to add salt. When they are tender, drain and reserve. To flavor this vegetable filling we will use typical spices from Indian cuisine. Then, heat oil in a pan and fry the coriander seeds together with the turmeric. Be careful with turmeric because it stains a lot. After a few minutes, add the boiled vegetables and mix everything. You will see how a yellow puree is formed, due to the turmeric. Check the seasoning and add salt to taste. Next we will start assembling the empanadillas, so go taking out each one of the wafers and place a spoonful of vegetable mixture in the center. Do not go overboard with the filling so as not to have problems when closing them.

Trick: Remember that the filling should not be hot when assembling the dumplings.

To close the vegetarian dumplings, fold the wafer into a crescent shape and flatten the edges with the help of a fork. If you want to ensure that they do not open during cooking, you can moisten the same edges with a little water before folding the piece. Place all the empanadillas on a tray or oven rack, lined with parchment paper to prevent them from sticking. Place them all and paint with beaten egg so that they are left with a bright color. With this amount of filling we have made two wafer packages that are about 32 dumplings.

Tip: If you prefer to make the dumplings fried, you can skip this step.

Cook in the oven at 200ºC for about 10-15 minutes or until you see that they have already browned. In any case, do not forget to check the instructions of the manufacturer of the dough and follow the recommendation of the cooking time so that you have perfect empanadillas. You can eat these potato and carrot dumplings at any time, they are ideal for breakfast, for dinner or to serve as an appetizer at a dinner with friends.

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