Potato and Avocado Salad Recipe

On this occasion, we want to share a delicious recipe for potato and avocado salad, foods that in other countries are known as potatoes and avocados. When preparing this dish I must confess that I gave the idea several thoughts, since, as a cook, I tend to generate changes in my recipes, either so that they can be more accepted by children or just to promote products as noble as They are potatoes and avocados, vegetables that in my country, Chile, are part of the diet of many compatriots.

Potato and avocado salad, I thought about it and couldn’t imagine the final dish until my son Mateo gave me the idea of ​​​​stuffing the potato with the salad. Without a doubt, this makes this dish a unique and original recipe, right? Keep reading and discover with us how to make potato and avocado salad following this particular preparation.

Ingredients to make Potato and Avocado Salad:

  1. 1 tomato
  2. 2 potatoes
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 1 avocado
  5. 1 lemon
  6. 1 pinch of coriander
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  8. 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Potato and Avocado Salad:

  • Wash the potatoes and eggs and cook both ingredients in a pot with water and salt. Let the eggs cook over medium heat for 10 minutes and the potatoes for 30 to 45 minutes.
  • Trick: to know if the potatoes are tender, insert a knife, if it goes through the potato easily, it will be ready, but if it stays inside, it is still raw.
  • When the potatoes are ready, let them cool, cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out some of the insides with the help of a spoon. Thus, you will get some potato canoes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Chop the coriander very small, cut the tomato into cubes and crush the flesh of the avocado (avocado) with the help of a fork. Mix all these ingredients and add salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice to taste.
  • Take the potato canoes and fill them with the previous mixture. Finish off your potato and avocado salad by decorating it with the grated boiled egg and strips of paprika (red pepper).
  • Tip: Personally, I prefer to eat vegetables with their skins, including potatoes, but this is optional depending on the tastes of the guests.
  • Other ways to make potato and avocado salad
  • If you are looking for alternatives, you can also cook the potatoes in the oven and even fry them if you fancy a crispier canoe, thus providing an incredible contrast of textures. On the other hand, you have the option of adding more ingredients to the recipe, such as prawns, tuna, smoked salmon, mushrooms sautéed in garlic and butter, or cooked quinoa, which will provide all the benefits of this super food.
  • You can also add fresh lettuce, arugula and watercress. Finally, you have the possibility to cut the avocado into slices and prepare another dressing.

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