Porra Antequerana Recipe

With the arrival of the heat we usually spend a lot of liquids and, although we recover them by drinking, we always want fresh dishes that are as light and easy as possible. If we add colors and textures to these dishes, then it will be impossible to resist them.

At this article, we bring a type of cold tomato soup from Malaga, specifically from the Antequera area, which will surprise you with its exquisite flavor. Despite the fact that the most popular recipes are usually those of gazpacho and salmorejo, this one that we share below has nothing to envy them.

Ingredients to make Porra antequerana:

  • 6 ripe plum tomatoes or other ripe tomatoes
  • 1 slice of loaf bread
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 5 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar or white wine
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ green pepper (if it is small you can use 1 whole)
  • 1 dash of cold water (optional)
  • 1 can of natural tuna
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 1 piece of red bell pepper (1/4 or 1/2 depending on how big it is)

How to make Porra Antequera:

  • Start by peeling the tomatoes with a potato peeler or by blanching them. For this second option, you must make a cross cut and place them in boiling water for 30 seconds. Remove them and pull the skin through the cut.
  • Put a good slice of bread to soak so that it softens and becomes very fluffy. While it absorbs the water, continue with the rest of the steps of the pore antequerana recipe, so you can take advantage of the time.
  • If you want to make your own bread, don’t miss the Fluffy Homemade Bread Recipe.
  • Cut the garlic and peppers into medium pieces. It does not matter that they are not all the same because you will crush them equally. Put the tomatoes without skin in the blender or in the blender glass and start to crush them. When there is a thin tomato sauce left, add the peppers and garlic and continue beating.
  • Beat for 2 minutes, then add the salt and vinegar consecutively while continuing to beat. If you use a blender you can add these ingredients through the upper hole, while if you are using an electric hand mixer you will have to add the vinegar in the form of a thread while beating. Finally, slowly pour in the oil so that it emulsifies the sauce and leaves behind a creamy porra antequerana.
  • Take out the slice of bread, drain it slightly, add it to the preparation and beat for 3 more minutes. You can add more water to the mixture if you want a more runny cream, although this rich cold soup tends to have a bit of a thick consistency.
  • It is tradition to serve the porra antequerana recipe with chopped boiled egg and crumbled tuna. There are also those who add shavings of Serrano ham to enhance the flavor of the soup. Be that as it may, this incredible cold soup will make you unable to stop drinking it at any time, it will comfort you and replace the liquids lost with the heat.

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