Pork pizza recipe with spicy sauce

When you make homemade pizza every week and you don’t want to repeat it, you have to manage to combine ingredients and have a pizza as delicious as this one.

The pork shoulder pizza with spicy sauce is a wonderful invention shared so that you don’t kill yourself looking for combinations and enjoys a very original and above all delicious preparation.

Also, in this recipe you will learn how to make homemade pizza dough easily and quickly. To then cover it with a top full of flavor made with ham, tomato, lots of cheese and hot sauce.

Ingredients to make Pork Pizza with Spicy Sauce:

  1. grated cheese
  2. 400 grams of wheat flour
  3. 210 milliliters of Water
  4. 10 grams of salt
  5. 6 grams of fresh yeast
  6. 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  7. Ketchup
  8. sliced ​​cheese
  9. 100 grams of cooked pork
  10. hot sauce

How to make Pork Pizza with hot sauce:

  • The first step will be to make the pizza dough, for this, in a bowl we put the flour, water and salt and knead. Halfway through the kneading add the yeast. Knead a little more and add the olive oil.
  • We continue to knead until we obtain smooth dough, without lumps. Let the dough rest in a clean bowl covered with plastic wrap until doubled in volume.
  • After the rest time, we transfer the dough to the work surface and with a knife we ​​cut it in two. Degas and shape each portion into a ball, letting them rest again for half an hour, covered with a cotton cloth.
  • After this time we begin to form the pizza on a baking paper.
  • At this point we can start turning on the oven at 250ºC. Then, in a saucepan, over low heat, we put the hot sauce so that it reduces and takes shape.
  • Meanwhile, we cover the dough with tomato sauce to taste and place the sliced ​​cheese together with the pork shoulder, also sliced ​​and cut into pieces.
  • When the oven is hot, place the pizzas directly on the floor of the oven. This way we will achieve a flavor similar to that of wood ovens. We bake for 4 minutes.
  • Remove the pizza from the oven, add the grated cheese and bake for another 3 minutes. When the pizza is ready, we pour the sauce on it.
  • The pork shoulder pizza with spicy sauce is a delight that you cannot stop trying and if you need to make changes, you can also use slices of sweet ham to replace the pork shoulder.

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