Pork leg in sherry recipe

Ingredients to make Pork leg in sherry:

  • pork leg
  • sherry type wine
  • bacon cut into pieces
  • ham
  • olives in halves
  • diced almonds
  • raisins or raisin (or prune)
  • canned pineapple (or in its natural state but it must be sweet) in pieces (optional)

How to make Pork leg in sherry:

  1. Place the pork leg on the tray where you are going to bake it.
  2. You should make holes with a knife in the leg on all sides, as deep as possible.
  3. You are going to introduce bacon, ham, almonds and raisins into each hole that you made in your leg (remember that everything is in pieces) and cover it with half and olive. This should be done to the whole leg and in each hole you made.
  4. Once you have finished filling each hole in the leg, you are going to bathe it with sherry-type wine, you are going to put more bits of bacon on top and a can of olives with everything and their juice (it is very important to add olives and bacon already This is what will give the leg a salty taste, if you don’t do this, it will be tasteless).
  5. And if you want, you can also add pineapple pieces to give it a sweet taste, if you don’t want a sweet taste, omit the pineapple.
  6. Put in the oven until the leg is golden brown and absorbs the juices of the ingredients…
  7. Depending on the kilos are the hours that will be baked.
  8. It is simply delicious wherever you cut it, since it will have all the ingredients in every inch of your leg!

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